Examples of Education data in a sentence
Education data within Scottish Government is managed effectively by secure systems and is exploited as a valuable corporate resource, subject to confidentiality restraints.
Education data within Scottish Government is managed effectively by secure systems on secure servers and is exploited as a valuable corporate resource, subject to confidentiality restraints.
A review of Special Education data, both for the State and by LEA, are shared with the WAPSD and WASEA annually.
When a report of alleged maltreatment of a student in a school is made to the Commissioner of Education, data that are relevant and collected by the school about the person alleged to have committed maltreatment must be provided to the Commissioner on request for purposes of an assessment or investigation of the maltreatment report.
Discovery Education data analysis is done after each assessment in September, January, and May by 3-5 teachers and principal.Where and How: Part of the district's 30 hours of professional development each year is spent in grade level meetings, late starts, and with building school improvement time to analyze data and create student learning goals for the next SIP plan as a result.
SOURCE: Office of the Legislative Auditor analysis of Department of Education data.
Nebraska’s Adult Education data system, the Adult Information Management System (AIMS), is utilized to report required information and data required by the NRS.
A review of Special Education data, both for the State and by LEA, were shared with the WAPSD and WASEA.
In addition, TEA, THECB and TWC agencies maintain documentation on their own websites that describe the data provided by their respective organization: TEA Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data: click here. TEA, TAAS, STAAR and TAKS assessment data & results, as well as State Board of Education data: click here. STAAR additional resources: click here. THECB reports and FADS data: click here. TWC wage report data, click here.
Some 30 per cent of children of the basic education age group did not attend school and as many as 19 per cent of children have never attended school.59 Education data suggest that primary enrollment at the national level, although farfrom universal, is quite high at 81 per cent but some provinces have primary enrollment rates below 60 per cent.