Educational record definition
Examples of Educational record in a sentence
If at any other time you would like to review information held as part of your child’s Educational record, you can do so as part of the Access to Educational Record legislation.
The competitive environment in the retail industry, due to the global competition along with the greater demand from consumers, has led to many new technical solutions to satisfy consumer needs.
Educational record: means a Any record directly related to a student and maintained by the colleges IECC or by a party acting for the colleges IECC.
It is noteworthy that the company has a bond maturity of US$ 300 million in July 2023, so in December 2022 it turned from Non-Current to Current.
From Graduates—4 Mr. Thi HaProfileBirthplace: Myanmar (age: 35 ) Educational record: Second year Institute of technology (InMyanmar) → , came to Japan after finishing the second year* Kure KOSEN for associate degree ( Civil Engineering)・Hiroshima University for bachelor ( Civil Engineering)・Hiroshima University, Graduate school of Engineering for Master & PhD (Social and Environmental Engineering)Present occupation: Consulting Engineers, NIPPON KOEI Co., LTD.