Effluent Treatment System definition

Effluent Treatment System means all or any portion of any system that transports, mixes, stabilizes, treats (actively or passively), conveys or discharges the effluent from the Pictou Pulp Mill, including (i) the under river pipeline, settling ponds, aerated stabilization basin and Boat Harbour and (ii) all man-made and natural drainage systems and appurtenances that connect or are otherwise related to such systems;
Effluent Treatment System means the wastewater storage lagoon, chemical wastewater treatment plant and associated works as identified in the reference document entitled “Wastewater Treatment Plant Assessment” completed by CBCL Limited, dated September 2014 (see reference materials).
Effluent Treatment System has the meaning set out in the Mill and Woodlands Purchase Agreement;

Examples of Effluent Treatment System in a sentence

  • These modifications address changes to the 200-Area Effluent Treatment System associated with the delisting necessary to accept liquid effluents expected to be generated from vitrification of certain low-activity mixed wastes at the Hanford Federal Facility, or Hanford Site, in Richland, Washington.DATES: This final rule is effective on September 10, 2021.ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID No. EPA–R10–RCRA–2021–0142.

  • The applicant and/or landowner will be required to submit an Effluent Treatment System Application to the City’s Health Services which is available on the City’s website: https://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/sewage- and-effluent-disposal .

  • The Effluent Treatment System and Sewage Treatment Plants are proposed to treat all liquid effluent generated so as to meet the standards as per the MOEF/TSPCB standards.

  • Performance monitoring (PM) is a proactive and preventive monitoring of processes to ensure Air Pollution Control Systems (APCS) as well as Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS) are optimally operated and maintained during the operation phase.

  • He is a certified environmental professional by Department Of Environment Malaysia in the operation of Industrial Effluent Treatment System - Biological Process since 2010 and also in Scheduled Waste Management since 2011.

  • Awareness programs such as 5R- themed fashion shows are also held to encourage recycling among staff and workers.Environmental Facilities and ImprovementEach factory has up to RM2 million earmarked for the setting up of environmental facilities such as IETS (Industrial Effluent Treatment System), scrubbers and dust collectors.

  • Factory, Proposed New Customized Effluent Treatment System Designs and Sustainability Conservation Plan.

  • The Effluent Treatment System and Sewage Treatment Plants are proposed to treat all liquid effluent generated so as to meet the standards as per the MOEF/APPCBstandards.

  • Sewage from the plant will be treated in a Lilliput® type Domestic Sewage Effluent Treatment System.

  • In consideration of the charges hereby reserved and of the covenants and agreements on the part of the service provider hereinafter contained, CSEZ doth hereby permit the service provider to connect to the Water Supply System and to the Common Effluent Treatment System of the Cochin SEZ, and to draw water from the Water Supply System and to discharge the service provider’s effluents to the Common Effluent Treatment System and use of the incinerator and the biogas plant for solid waste disposal.

More Definitions of Effluent Treatment System

Effluent Treatment System means all or any portion of any system that transports, mixes, stabilizes, treats (actively and/or passively), conveys or discharges the effluent from the Woodlands Business, if any, including all manmade and natural drainage systems and appurtenances that connect or are otherwise related to such systems;
Effluent Treatment System. The system consists of effluent collection pits located at 10 places involving tasks like maintenance of about 40 effluent lift pumps, collection of effluents (including transportation), treatment of effluents (Chemicals are in department scope) and letting out the treated effluent (after analysis) to ground.
Effluent Treatment System means a facility designed to remove impurities which have a detrimental effect on water quality by a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes.

Related to Effluent Treatment System

  • Wastewater treatment system means any equipment, plants,

  • Wastewater treatment tank means a tank that is designed to receive and treat an influent wastewater through physical, chemical, or biological methods.

  • Wastewater treatment plant means a facility designed and constructed to receive, treat, or store waterborne or liquid wastes.

  • Sewage treatment plant means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage.

  • Water treatment plant means that portion of the water supply system which in some way alters the physical, chemical, or bacteriological quality of the water.

  • Wastewater Treatment Works means an arrangement of devices and structures for treating wastewater, industrial wastes, and sludge. Sometimes used as synonymous with "waste treatment plant" or "wastewater treatment plant" or "pollution control plant".

  • Treatment site means the anatomical description of the tissue intended to receive a radiation dose, as described in a written directive.

  • Treatment zone means a soil area of the unsaturated zone of a land treatment unit within which hazardous constituents are degraded, transformed, or immobilized.

  • Wastewater treatment facility means a treatment works, as

  • Treatment Plant means the onshore plant to be constructed by the Joint Venturers for the liquefaction and treatment of natural gas and condensate as contemplated in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Displacement system means a device enabling the adult seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers and the loading and unloading of objects.

  • Substance abuse treatment means outpatient or inpatient services or participation in Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar program.

  • Outpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse treatment services rendered to a

  • Inpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse services delivered on a

  • Wastewater treatment unit means a device which:

  • Assisted outpatient treatment or "AOT" means the categories of outpatient services ordered by the court under section 468 or 469a. Assisted outpatient treatment may include a case management plan and case management services to provide care coordination under the supervision of a psychiatrist and developed in accordance with person-centered planning under section 712. Assisted outpatient treatment may also include 1 or more of the following categories of services: medication; periodic blood tests or urinalysis to determine compliance with prescribed medications; individual or group therapy; day or partial day programming activities; vocational, educational, or self-help training or activities; assertive community treatment team services; alcohol or substance use disorder treatment and counseling and periodic tests for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs for an individual with a history of alcohol abuse or substance use disorder; supervision of living arrangements; and any other services within a local or unified services plan developed under this act that are prescribed to treat the individual's mental illness and to assist the individual in living and functioning in the community or to attempt to prevent a relapse or deterioration that may reasonably be predicted to result in suicide, the need for hospitalization, or serious violent behavior. The medical review and direction included in an assisted outpatient treatment plan shall be provided under the supervision of a psychiatrist.

  • Non-Administrator Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility means a Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility that does not meet the definition of an Administrator Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility.

  • Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.

  • Pretreatment standards means any standards of performance or other requirements imposed by

  • Quality Management System means a set of interrelated or interacting elements that organisations use to direct and control how quality policies are implemented and quality objectives are achieved;

  • Conventional filtration treatment means a series of processes including coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration resulting in substantial particulate removal.

  • Management System means an integrated set of interrelated and documented elements to prevent, control and improve the performance of a facility or group of facilities related to industrial safety, operational safety and environmental protection in the Hydrocarbons Sector.

  • Evaluation and treatment facility means any facility which

  • Opioid treatment program means a detoxification or maintenance treatment program which is required to report patient identifying information to the central registry and which is located in the state.

  • Pretreatment coating means a coating which contains no more than 12% solids by weight, and at least 0.5% acid by weight, is used to provide surface etching, and is applied directly to metal surfaces to provide corrosion resistance, adhesion, and ease of stripping.

  • Categorical pretreatment standard means any national pretreatment standard specifying quantities or concentrations of pollutants or pollutant properties which may be discharged to a POTW by existing or new industrial users in specific industrial subcategories, promulgated by the administrator in accordance with section 307 of the act and established under 40 C.F.R. chapter I, subchapter N.