Examples of Electronic product in a sentence
Electronic product code) UHF DogBone transpondera koji daju informaciju o trenutnoj lokaciji i stanju svakog vozila pojedinačno te skupni čitača koji te transpondere očitavaju [47].Praćenje vozila započinje u završnoj fazi izrade vozila, nakon što se na vozilo montiraju kotači.
Programs covered under the Green Procurement Program include:▪ Recovered materials products▪ Bio-based products▪ Energy efficient products▪ Electronic product environmental assessment tool products▪ Water efficient products▪ Non-ozone depleting products▪ Environmentally-preferable products and services.
Electronic product retailers also receive brochures and posters, as well as tent cards to be displayed at the point-of- sale.
Revise section 23.704 to read as follows:23.704 Electronic product environmental assessment tool.
Electronic product and price catalogs are available for all the Seating Lines offered to the State of Michigan.