Eligible importer definition

Eligible importer means any person importing 500,000 or more pounds of mangos into the United States in a calendar year as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who produces or handles mangos outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such mangos that are identified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States by the numbers 0804.50.4040 and 0804.50.6040, during the representative period. Importation occurs when mangos originating outside of the United States are released from custody by the Customs and Border Protection and introduced into the stream of commerce in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign-produced mangos immediately upon release by the Customs and Border Protection, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of mangos from the Customs and Border Protection when such mangos are entered or withdrawn for consumption in the United States.
Eligible importer means an importer that is described in section 25.5-2.5-204 (3).
Eligible importer means any person who imports 150,000 pounds or more wa- termelons annually into the United States as principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee for any person who produces watermelons outside the United States for sale in the United States. An importer who imports less than 150,000 pounds of watermelons an- nually and did not apply for and re- ceive reimbursement of assessments is also an eligible importer.

Examples of Eligible importer in a sentence

  • No o t h e r a cq u isi t io n of leg a l t i t le t o m u s hr oo m s s ha ll be dee m ed t o r es u l t i n pe r so n s beco m i n g eligible p r od u ce r s.( g) Eligible importer m e an s any pe r so n o r e n t i t y defi n ed a s an i m po r t e r w h o i m po r t s, o n a ve ra ge, ove r 500,000 po un ds annua ll y of f r es h m u s hr oo m s d ur i n g t h e r ep r ese n t a t ive pe r iod.

  • Eligible importer means any person who is currently an organic importer with gross organic revenue of organic products during the representative period as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who produced or handled organic products outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such organic products.

More Definitions of Eligible importer

Eligible importer means anyperson importing 20,000 or more pounds of processed raspberries into the United States in a calendar year as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who produces or handles processed raspberries outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such processed raspberries that are identified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States by the numbers 0811.20.20.20, during the representative period. Importation occurs when processed raspberries originating outside of the United States are released from custody by Customs and introduced into the stream of commerce in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign- produced processed raspberries immediately upon release by Customs, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of processed raspberries from Customs when such processed raspberries are entered or withdrawn for consumption in the United States.
Eligible importer means any personwho imported 15 million board feet or more of softwood lumber into the United States during the representa- tive period as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any per- son who manufactured softwood lum- ber outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such softwood lumber. Importation oc- curs when softwood lumber manufac- tured outside of the United States is released from custody by Customs and introduced into the stream of com- merce in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign- manufactured softwood lumber imme- diately upon release by Customs, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to se- cure the release of softwood lumber from Customs when such softwood lum- ber is entered or withdrawn for use in the United States.
Eligible importer means any person importing more than 500 Christmas trees annually into the United States as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who domestically produces or handles Christmas trees outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such Christmas trees that are identified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States by the numbers 0604.91.00.20, 0604.91.00.40, and 0604.91.00.60 during the representative period. Importation occurs when Christmas trees originating outside of the United States are released from custody by Customs and introduced into the stream of commerce in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign- produced Christmas trees immediately upon release by Customs, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of Christmas trees from Customs when such Christmas trees are entered or withdrawn for consumption in the United States.
Eligible importer means any person or entity defined as an importer whoimports, on average, over 500,000pounds annually of fresh mushrooms during the representative period.Importation occurs when commoditiesoriginating outside the United States are entered or withdrawn from the U.S.Customs Service for consumption in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign-producedmushrooms immediately upon release by the U.S. Customs Service, as well asany persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure therelease of mushrooms from the U.S.Customs Service when such mushrooms are entered or withdrawn forconsumption in the United States.§ 1209.302 Voting.(a) Each person who is an eligibleproducer or importer, as defined in this subpart, at the time of the referendumand during the representative period,shall be entitled to cast only one ballot in the referendum. However, eachproducer in a landlord-tenantrelationship or a divided ownership arrangement involving totallyindependent entities cooperating only to produce mushrooms, in which morethan one of the parties is a producer,shall be entitled to cast one ballot in the referendum covering only suchproducer’s share of the ownership.(b) Proxy voting is not authorized, but an officer or employee of an eligiblecorporate producer or importer, or anadministrator, executor, or trustee of an eligible producing or importing entity may cast a ballot on behalf of suchproducer or importer entity. Anyindividual so voting in a referendumshall certify that such individual is an officer or employee of the eligibleproducer or importer, or anadministrator, executor, or trustee of an eligible producing or importing entity, and that such individual has theauthority to take such action. Upon request of the referendum agent, the individual shall submit adequateevidence of such authority.(c) Ballots are to be cast by mail or fax.§ 1209.303 Instructions.The referendum agent shall conduct the referendum, in the manner herein provided, under the supervision of the Administrator. The Administrator may prescribe additional instructions, notinconsistent with the provisions hereof, to govern the procedure to be followed by the referendum agent. Such agentshall:(a) Determine the time ofcommencement and termination of theperiod during which ballots may be cast.(b) Provide ballots and relatedmaterial to be used in the referendum.Ballot material shall provide for recording essential informationincluding that needed for ascertainin...
Eligible importer means any person who imported 2,000 pounds or more of fresh or processed blueberries, that are identified by the numbers 0810.40.0028 and 0811.90.2028, respectively, in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States or any other numbers used to identify fresh and frozen blue- berries. Importation occurs when com- modities originating outside the United States are entered or with- drawn from the U.S. Customs Service for consumption in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign-produced blueberries imme- diately upon release by the U.S. Cus- toms Service, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of blueberries from the U.S. Customs Service when such blueberries are en- tered or withdrawn for consumption in the United States.
Eligible importer means any person defined as an importer in the Order who imports, on average, over 500,000 pounds annually during the representative period. Importation occurs when commodities originating outside the United States are entered or withdrawn from the U.S. Customs Service for consumption in the United States. Included are persons who hold title to foreign-produced mushrooms immediately upon release by the U.S. Customs Service, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of mushrooms from the U.S. Customs Service when such mushrooms are entered or withdrawn for consumptionin the United States.
Eligible importer means any person who is currently an importer and whoimported 100,000 short tons or more ofpaper and paper-based packaging into the United States during the representative period as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who manufactured paper and paper-based packaging outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such paper and paper- based packaging. Importation occurs when paper and paper-based packaging manufactured outside of the United States is released from custody by Customs and introduced into the stream of commerce in the United States.Included are persons who hold title to foreign-manufactured paper and paper- based packaging immediately upon release by Customs, as well as any persons who act on behalf of others, as agents or brokers, to secure the release of paper and paper-based packaging from Customs when such paper and paper-based packaging is entered or withdrawn for use in the United States.