Email has the meaning given in Clause 29.1;
Email Address means a current valid email address.
Encrypted means the transformation of data into a form which results in a low probability of assigning meaning without the use of a protective process or key.
Email Notice means notice of the proposed Settlement to be provided to Settlement Class Members substantially in the form attached hereto as “Exhibit A”.
electronically signed contract means a contract that is executed by applying an electronic signature using technology approved by the Parties.
Encryption means methods of rendering personally identifiable information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons through the use of a technology or methodology specified or permitted by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in guidance issued under 42 USC Section 17932(h)(2).
Voice mail service means an ancillary service that enables the customer to store, send or receive recorded messages. Voice mail service does not include any vertical services that the customer may be required to have in order to utilize the voice mail service.
Scan means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data can be collected simultaneously during a single scan for the production of one or more tomograms.
Facsimile (FAX) prescription means a written prescription or order that is transmitted by an electronic device over telephone lines that sends the exact image to the receiving pharmacy in hard copy form.
Portable means that subscriptions may be retained by the
pdf or “tif”) shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement or such other Loan Document or certificate. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent a manually executed counterpart is not specifically required to be delivered under the terms of any Loan Document, upon the request of any party, such fax transmission or e-mail transmission shall be promptly followed by such manually executed counterpart.
Encrypt means to encode Confidential Information into a format that can only be read by those possessing a “key”; a password, digital certificate or other mechanism available only to authorized users. Encryption must use a key length of at least 256 bits for symmetric keys, or 2048 bits for asymmetric keys. When a symmetric key is used, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) must be used if available.
Format A: Format for the Bidder (Single Firm / Partner(s) in case of Joint Venture) for technical experience in compliance to para 1.01 (I) {(i) or (ii) or (iii)} of Annexure-A to BDS (Volume-I : Section-III) [In case of Joint Venture bidder, the QR data of each of the partner (in support of meeting the requirement of para 1.01 (I) (iv) of Annexure-A to BDS (Volume-I : Section-III)] is also is to furnished, as applicable, using this format. The bidder (Single Firm / Partner(s) in case of Joint Venture) who is willing to qualify in compliance to para 1.01 (I) {(ii) or (iii)} of para 1.01 (I) (iv) of Annexure-A to BDS (Volume-I : Section-III) shall fill below format for two or all three contracts.
Machine means the machines/ equipment/software/accessories as detailed at Annexure-A.
Facsimile machine means a machine that can send and receive a facsimile transmission.
Notification Email Address means the email address (if any) designated by Customer, via the user interface of the Processor Services or such other means provided by Google, to receive certain notifications from Google relating to these Data Processing Terms.
Servers means the servers established, installed and operated by Licensee within the Territory only for the service of Game to End Users in the Territory.
contact information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;
Notebook computer , which means an electronic,
Server means all programs and technology used to make and carry out the Client's instructions, as well as presenting trading information in real time (the information is specified by the Company), with consideration of the mutual obligations of the Client and Company in correspondence with this Agreement.
Business reply mail envelope means an envelope that may be mailed free of
Electronic mail address means a destination, commonly expressed as a string of characters, consisting of a unique user name or mailbox (commonly referred to as the “local part” of the address) and a reference to an internet domain (commonly referred to as the “domain part” of the address), whether or not displayed, to which electronic mail can be sent or delivered.
Diskette means the diskette or compact disc attached to each of the Prospectus and the Memorandum; and "Data File" shall mean the compilation of information and data regarding the Mortgage Loans covered by the Agreed Upon Procedures Letters dated December 1, 2003 and rendered by KPMG LLP or Ernst & Young LLP, as the case may be (a "hard copy" of which Data File was initialed on behalf of the Seller and the Purchaser).
Electronic mail service provider (EMSP) means any person who (i) is an intermediary in sending
Web means the World Wide Web.
Facsimile means an exact copy or likeness which is electronically transmitted for instant reproduction.