EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Unless Customer opts out of receiving email correspondence from Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx may, at its election, send any or all correspondence or notifications to Customer concerning the Account and the Precious Metals on deposit therein (including account statements) to Customer by email to the email address identified below: Email address of Customer: Account Security Password for calling in to discuss account: Mobile Phone number for authentication by text when selling or transferring: ( ) - Section IIType of Ownership (check only one) and Initial Account Client Initials: Acct# **************** Limited Liability Company Trust Individual Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship Corporation Partnership
EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Unless Customer opts out of receiving email correspondence from Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx may, at its election, send any or all correspondence or notifications to Customer concerning the Account and the Precious Metals on deposit therein (including account statements) to Customer by email to the email address identified below: Email address of Customer: Account Security Password for calling in to discuss account: Mobile Phone number for authentication by text when selling or transferring: ( ) -
EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Unless Customer opts out of receiving email correspondence from Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx may, at its election, send any or all correspondence or notifications to Customer concerning the Account and the Precious Metals on deposit therein (including account statements) to Customer by email to the email address identified below: Email address of Customer: Account Security Password: Section IIType of Ownership (check only one) and Initial Account Client Initials: Acct# **************** Limited Liability Company Trust Individual Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship Corporation Partnership

Examples of EMAIL NOTIFICATION in a sentence

  • We will not send you SMS notification or Email Notification for transactions using your Card or for receipt of transfer of fund.

More Definitions of EMAIL NOTIFICATION

EMAIL NOTIFICATION means an email sent to the email address in the signature block below or as otherwise designated by Client in writing. This Addendum memorializes the parties’ agreement about the Processing of Personal Data by JAGGAER on Client’s behalf under the Agreement, subject to Data Protection Laws.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Unless Customer opts out of receiving email correspondence from DDC by checking where indicated below, DDC may, at its election, send any or all correspondence or notifications to Customer concerning the Account and the Precious Metals on deposit therein (including account statements) to Customer by email to the email address identified above. Check here if customer does not want to receive any email correspondence.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION referred to in Managed Devices SLA in Section 4.2 above is delivered in the form of an automatic system-generated message via the Detection Tool. In addition to an Email Notification, for Priority 1 Incidents affecting Managed Devices, Customer will receive a phone call within fifteen (15) minutes of the Incident being logged. Customer is responsible for maintaining correct escalation and contact information for such phone calls.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION means an email sent to the email address in the signature block below or as otherwise designated by Client in writing. 2. PURPOSE This Addendum memorializes the parties’ agreement about the Processing of Personal Data by JAGGAER on Client’s behalf under the Agreement, subject to Data Protection Laws. 3. DATA PROCESSING OBLIGATIONS 3.1. Client as Controller appoints JAGGAER as Processor. JAGGAER shall only Process Personal Data on behalf of Client for the purposes ADDENDUM RELATIF AU TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL Le présent Addendum relatif au Traitement des données, y compris ses Annexes et son appendice (« Addendum ») est partie intégrante du Contrat cadre d’abonnement ou d’autres accords écrits ou électroniques (ensemble le « Contrat ») entre le Client nommé au pied du présent Addendum (le « Client ») et JAGGAER, LLC ou la Filiale de JAGGAER qui est partie au Contrat, dans tous les cas agissant en son nom propre et au nom et pour le compte de ses Filiales (« JAGGAER »). 1. DÉFINITIONS Dans le présent Addendum : 1.1. Les termes tels que « Responsable du traitement », « Personne concernée », « Données à caractère personnel », « Traitement » (y compris ses variantes), « Sous-traitant » et « Autorité de contrôle » ont le sens qui leur est donné dans le RGPD, pour autant que le terme « Données à caractère personnel » tel qu’utilisé dans les présentes se limite aux Données à caractère personnel traitées par JAGGAER pour le compte du Client en vertu du Contrat. 1.2. « Xxxx sur la protection des données à caractère personnel » désigne, dans la mesure applicable, (i) le règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 abrogeant la directive 95/46/CE (Règlement général sur la protection des données 2016/679 (« RGDP ») et xxxx nationales mettant en œuvre le RGPD) et (ii) le RGPD tel que transposé dans la loi nationale du Royaume- Uni par l’effet de l’article 3 de la Loi de 2018 sur le retrait de l’Union européenne et tel que modifié par le règlement britannique concernant le traitement des données à caractère personnel et la protection de la vie privée dans le secteur des communications électroniques (the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 ou UK GDPR) (« RGPD du Royaume-Uni »), ainsi que le Data Protection Act 2018, et toute législation nationale d’application, apparentée ou subordonnée (« Législation sur la protection des données à caractère personnel du Roy...
EMAIL NOTIFICATION means the email address in the signature block below or as otherwise designated by Client in writing.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION means the email you requested we send to you, at the email address you have provided us, notifying you of the availability of Communications in the Link. From time to time, the Communication may be wholly contained within the Email Notification.


  • notification means a notification published in the Official Gazette;

  • Approvals or Notifications means any consents, waivers, approvals, permits or authorizations to be obtained from, notices, registrations or reports to be submitted to, or other filings to be made with, any third Person, including any Governmental Authority.