Embargo definition
Examples of Embargo in a sentence
Embargo Sanctions The United States Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control prohibits U.S. companies and their foreign subsidiaries from doing business with certain countries and agencies and certain individuals.
AAMs may also be deposited in such repositories immediately on acceptance, provided that they are not made publicly available until after the Embargo Period.
Insbesondere, aber ohne Einschränkung darf die Apple-Software nicht (a) in ein Land exportiert oder reexportiert werden, über das die Vereinigten Staaten ein Embargo verhängt haben, oder (b) einer Person überlassen werden, die auf der Liste der Specially Designated Nationals des U.S. Treasury Department oder der Denied Person’s List oder Entity List des U.S. Department of Commerce oder einer anderen Liste mit eingeschränkten Parteien verzeichnet ist.
The "Embargo Period" is a period ending twelve (12) months from the first publication of the “Version of Record” (as defined below) of the Contribution by or on behalf of the Publisher.
Where a Club defaults in making any payments to any Football Creditor, the Club shall be subject to such penalty as the Board may decide, including, but not limited to, an Embargo; a points deduction; a Bond; a suspension; or any combination thereof.