Examples of Emergency Accommodation in a sentence
There will often be immediate safety concerns, and there may be a need to arrange Emergency Accommodation if the potential victim is at risk of becoming destitute.
Demand for Emergency Accommodation is assumed to increase due to the negative economic after effects of Covid-19.
For additional information on where to submit your Emergency Accommodation Request Forms, refer to Appendix C.
There were a further 104 families living in Emergency Accommodation on the date the count took place.
For other languages, a test administrator or other qualified interpreter may translate and read the directions to the student.• Human ReaderEmergency AccommodationPrior to or during testing, if the School Test Coordinator determines that a student requires an emergency accommodation, the Emergency Accommodation Form must be completed.
The Emergency Accommodation Form is available at the New Jersey Customer Support Portal, https://nj.mypearsonsupport.com, or Appendix G of the AF&A Manual.This form must be completed and maintained in the student’s assessment file.
In partnership with the DRHE, the HSE has commenced a training programme for staff in Private Emergency Accommodation.
If it is determined that a student requires an emergency accommodation on a CMAS or CoAlt assessment, the Emergency Accommodation Form (Appendix G) must be completed and maintained in the student’s assessment file.
A Documentary Experience at an Emergency Accommodation Center in Paris (Dans la frontière.
Emergency accommodation consists of Supported Temporary Accommodation (STA), Family Hubs or Private Emergency Accommodation (PEA) facilities, including B&B’s and hotels.