Health Issues Sample Clauses
Health Issues. The University may adopt and implement any measures it deems necessary to reduce or prevent the spread of illnesses, including but not limited to, the transmission of infectious agents, bacteria, viruses, toxins or other organisms that may present risk to Residents and members of the campus community or the public in general (collectively, “Communicable Illnesses”). Communicable Illnesses and other public health issues may impact housing accommodations and options. Due to the nature of specific Communicable Illnesses, it may be necessary for the University to adopt and implement additional rules and/or measures that change, modify, or alter its response to Communicable Illnesses or other public health issues, which may further impact housing accommodations and options. Residents agree that they have considered their own personal health status and the increased risk factors inherent with community living, including the risk of exposure to or infection by Communicable Illnesses, and where appropriate, have consulted with a medical professional before deciding to live in University Housing. By choosing to contract with the University for University Housing, Residents understand and agree that the University may implement additional measures, at its sole discretion, that may result in changes in the manner or availability, or room assignment, of housing, including but not limited to, reducing the population density of University Housing, reconfiguring University Housing space, restricting certain furniture arrangements, and modifying cleaning and sanitation services. Residents acknowledge that any such changes are for their personal safety and the safety of the University Housing community. Residents understand that despite all efforts on the part of the University, Residents can still be exposed to or contract Communicable Illnesses. To reduce risk, Residents agree to comply with all University rules, regulations, guidelines and policies, as well as local, state and federal guidelines relating to Communicable Illnesses or other public health issues. Residents further understand that the University may not have adequate or available facilities to provide housing in the event a Communicable Illness or other public health issue requires quarantine or isolation pursuant to a University rule, regulation, or policy or as ordered by governmental authority. Residents understand that all University policies, rules, and regulations, including the Student Code of Conduc...
Health Issues. Communication and Forums
11.5.1 Hold educational workshops and informational forums for health consumers in metropolitan and regional SA;
11.5.2 Convene consumer consultations in metropolitan and rural/remote areas;
11.5.3 Form close communication links with existing, regionally based mental health consumer advisory groups;
11.5.4 Convene educational workshops and informational forums with mental health consumers from metropolitan and rural/remote areas, and
11.5.5 Develop a web page (in partnership with Department of Health).
Health Issues. It is the Participant’s responsibility to obtain any vaccinations or health precautions applicable to the country of travel.
Health Issues. The adopter acknowledges receipt of the attached medical information in Attachment 1. The adopter agrees to accept the dog with the following known medical conditions and understands that these medical conditions may require extraordinary veterinary expenses and/or extraordinary care of the dog: .
Health Issues. YDDS s47G Such coverage is recommended as the ultimate defence for a dog falling sick or getting injured. This insurance can cover unforeseen events such as major surgery and dental work. There is always the vulnerability for an active dog to fall ill; however, with proper regular veterinary care the likelihood of significant cost from aggravated illness or injury could be greatly minimised.
Health Issues. DoDEA agrees that it will investigate any reasonable health care problems raised by employees. INITIALS: DoDEA: FEA: DATE:
Health Issues. It will be the intent of the District to provide a safe and healthful working environment for all employees, and to comply with all known statutes regarding working conditions.
Health Issues. The Employer agrees that it will investigate and assist any reasonable health care issues raised by unit employees.
Health Issues. The Service Provider shall ensure that appropriate material is available to Prisoners or accused which encourages a healthy lifestyle. This shall include, at minimum, information or advice regarding: HIV/AIDS; Smoking; Drugs; Solvent Abuse; and Alcohol Abuse.
Health Issues. Epidemics were another major issue that was high on the public agenda in Trabzon during the Second Constitutional Period. Such contagious diseases often originated in Russia and spread to Trabzon via merchants, passengers, and ships. In that period of time, disease was a common topic in the local press, especially cholera, followed by the plague and smallpox. The British consul also wrote a report on cholera and quarantine procedures in and around Trabzon, and sent it to the consulate in Istanbul. For the period of study here, the first news article about cholera appeared in the 24th issue of Feyz. The article reported that four rowboats had been allocated for disease control and the governor of Trabzon had dispatched a member of the gendarmerie, a police officer, and a warden to inform people living between Trabzon and Rize about the disease.110 After this article appeared in October 1908, no other news reports were made about cholera until July 1910. In the 190th issue of Trabzon’da Meşveret there was a piece titled “Afât-ı Arziyye: 110 “Xxxxx-ı Memnuniyet Bir Tedbir”, Feyz, No: 24, 12 Teşrînievvel 1324 (25 October 1908), p. 4. Kolera” (Disaster: Cholera) which reported that medical personnel were to be appointed to prevent the spread of cholera which had reportedly originated in Russia. The article also provided information about preventive measures.111 In the 200th issue of the same newspaper, another article discussed preventive measures,112 and a few issues later the same newspaper announced that cholera had spread to Erzurum, where authorities stated a 48-hour quarantine had been declared for the province and its environs. The article also reported that a quarantine centre was to be set up near the border of Bayburt in the province of Trabzon and that cholera had spread to Erzurum via a few illegal travellers, resulting in a number of casualties.113 An article in the following issue reported that the cholera epidemic had spread to several districts of Erzurum.114 In the 210th issue of Trabzon’da Meşveret, it was reported that cholera had spread to Trabzon as well; on the previous day, a woman exhibited symptoms of xxx- xxxx in the neighbourhood of Kavak Meydanı, along with four women in the neighbourhood of Çömlekçi, and three of them passed away. Moreover, the article noted that on the day the newspaper was published, two more people had possibly been infected, so their houses were quarantined, but doctors could not yet conclusively diagnose it as ...