Examples of Emergency Resolution in a sentence
The School Board will conduct this meeting virtually under its Resolutions of March 20, 2020, March 31, 2020, and April 28, as well as under the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors’ Emergency Resolution of March 25, 2020, as may be subsequently amended, extended or re-adopted.
When the packet of proposed resolutions is sent to the Fellowship within sixty (60) days of the end of the Annual Meeting, the Emergency Resolution shall be included with the other proposed resolutions, along with the materials required for all other resolutions.
In the event where emergency purchasing is related to natural disaster events, a Declaration of Emergency Resolution shall be considered by the City Council per State Law at the first opportunity available.
For purposes of this Paragraph, an Emergency Resolution is one that evolves from unforeseen circumstances that call for immediate action, as determined by first the Joint Resolutions Committee of the Board of Councilors and Board of Specialty Societies and then by the Executive Committee of the ASSOCIATION Board of Directors.
Extended State Of Emergency Resolution 2020-22 declares a State of Emergency for Lake Wales in response to concerns related to COVID-19.
An Emergency Resolution to Convention is a motion which is: • truly unexpected; and• urgent; and• of great importance to the Convention• and it is NOT an issue that could have been foreseen prior to the resolution deadline date and submitted in the proper manner.
An issue of great urgency arising after the deadline for draft Resolutions may be dealt with by an Emergency Resolution tabled by the Committee or by a minimum of 5 out of Full Members, the GGEP delegation, FYEG, working groups, networks and Candidate Members under the same conditions as for Resolutions, before noon of the day before the opening of the Council.
Documents: LETTER TO COMMISSION WITH AMENDMENT 5-5-2020.PDF 6.e. Consideration of approval of Emergency Resolution No. 20200512.1 extending Sidewalk Cafe' Program.
After the acceptance of the Emergency Resolution of 19 September 1917 and the establishment of public employment assistance, the share of private employment assistance gradually declined.
As such, if an issue arises, please provide your Emergency Resolution in writing with a rationale, to any member of the Resolutions Committee.