Enbridge Gas definition
Examples of Enbridge Gas in a sentence
Enbridge Gas Distribution provides in franchise services for the transportation of natural gas from the point of its delivery to Enbridge Gas Distribution to the Terminal Location at which the gas will be used.
Enbridge Gas Distribution provides ex-franchise services for the transportation of natural gas through its distribution system to a point of interconnection with the distribution system of other distributors of natural gas.
SECTION F - PAYMENT CONDITIONS Enbridge Gas Distribution charges are due when the bill is received, which is considered to be three days after the date the bill is rendered, or within such other time period as set out in the Service Contract.
A late payment charge of 1.5% per month (19.56% effectively per annum) of all of the unpaid Enbridge Gas Distribution charges, including all applicable federal and provincial taxes, is applied to the account on the seventeenth (17th ) day following the date the bill is due.
The rate per cubic metre for CDS service shall be as determined by the distributor and shall be equal to the average unit rate charged in a billing month to the distributor for CDS service by its supplier, Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., under its Rate 300, plus the Rate 9 tailblock delivery rate minus the allocated Rate 9 unit load-balancing costs.
The Owner shall grade all boulevards to final pre-topsoil subgrade prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas.
The Owner acknowledges and agrees to contact Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.
By requiring that consequential regulatory policy decisions be traceable to Congress—either through direct resolution in statutory enactments or “clear authorization” for administrative agencies to act pursuant to Congress’s directions, West Virginia, 597 U.S. at 732—the doctrine recognizes that such decisions are “the responsibility of those chosen by the people throughdemocratic processes,” NFIB, 595 U.S. at 120; see id.
Enbridge Gas Distribution Enbridge Gas Distribution has reviewed the proposal and has no objections to the applications.
Enbridge Gas was formed effective January 1, 2019, upon the amalgamation of Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.