FTPS Unit means Units which are purchased through the Fund/SERV(R) trading system or on a manual basis through FTP Services LLC or for which FTP Services LLC is acting as FTPS Unit Servicing Agent.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves means thirty-minute reserves as defined by the ReliabilityFirst Corporation and SERC.
Palletized unit load means a MIL-STD-129 defined quantity of items, packed or unpacked, arranged on a pallet in a specified manner and secured, strapped, or fastened on the pallet so that the whole palletized load is handled as a single unit. A palletized or skidded load is not considered to be a shipping container. A loaded 463L System pallet is not considered to be a palletized unit load. Refer to the Defense Transportation Regulation, DoD 4500.9-R, Part II, Chapter 203, for marking of 463L System pallets.
Designated Unit means information technology devices (e.g. hard disks or central processing units) identified by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement that have been officially made known to the public as appropriate for Use or interoperation with the Software.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Resources means synchronized and non-synchronized generation resources and Demand Resources electrically located within the PJM Region that are capable of providing Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves.
Said Unit means the said Flat, the said Vehicle Parking Space, (if any), and the right of common use of the Common Portions and wherever the context so intends or permits, shall also include the Said Undivided Share.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the sum of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement and Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
Common Unit means a common unit representing a limited partner interest in the Partnership having the rights set forth in the Partnership Agreement.
GP Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as a GP Unit of the Partnership.
Spinning Reserve means the ability to immediately and automatically increase generation or reduce demand in response to a fall in frequency;
Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:
Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the thirty-minute reserve requirement for the PJM Region established consistent with the Applicable Standards, plus any additional thirty-minute reserves scheduled in response to an RTO-wide Hot or Cold Weather Alert or other reasons for conservative operations.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Market means the schedule of commitments for the purchase or sale of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves developed by the Office of the Interconnection as a result of the offers and specifications submitted in accordance with Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.10 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix.
Partnership Unit means a fractional, undivided share of the Partnership Interests of all Partners issued hereunder. The allocation of Partnership Units among the Partners shall be as set forth on Exhibit A, as may be amended from time to time.
INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.
Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the portion of the Day- ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement that is required in addition to the Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement to ensure adequate resources are procured to meet real-time load and operational needs, as specified in the PJM Manuals.
Exchange Message Interface or "EMI" means the format used for exchange of Telecommunications message information among Telecommunications Carriers. It is referenced in the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) document that defines industry guidelines for the exchange of message records.
Age-restricted unit means a housing unit designed to meet the needs of, and exclusively for, the residents of an age-restricted segment of the population such that: 1) all the residents of the development wherein the unit is situated are 62 years of age or older; or 2) at least 80 percent of the units are occupied by one person who is 55 years of age or older; or 3) the development has been designated by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as “housing for older persons” as defined in Section 807(b)(2) of the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3607.
Mobile food unit means a vehicle-mounted food service establishment designed to be readily movable.
Incremental Rights-Eligible Required Transmission Enhancements means Regional Facilities and Necessary Lower Voltage Facilities or Lower Voltage Facilities (as defined in Tariff, Schedule 12) and meet one of the following criteria: (1) cost responsibility is assigned to non-contiguous Zones that are not directly electrically connected; or (2) cost responsibility is assigned to Merchant Transmission Providers that are Responsible Customers.
Book-Based System means a system for the central handling of securities or equivalent book-based entries under which all securities of a class or series deposited within the system are treated as fungible and may be transferred or pledged by bookkeeping entry without physical delivery;
Capital Appreciation Bonds means Bonds issued under this Master Indenture and any Supplemental Indenture as to which interest is compounded periodically on each of the applicable periodic dates designated for compounding and payable in an amount equal to the then-current Accreted Value only at the maturity or earlier redemption thereof, all as so designated in a Supplemental Indenture of the Issuer providing for the issuance thereof.
Heat unit means a unit of energy equal to the product of the peak kilovoltage, milliamperes, and seconds, i.e., kVp x mA x second.
Class B Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as a Class B Unit of the Partnership.
On-premise beer retailer means a beer retailer who is:
Existing Preferred Stock means, collectively, the outstanding shares of the Series E 6% Convertible Preferred Stock of the Corporation.