End-use definition

End-use means the light, heat, cooling, refrigeration, motor drive, microwave energy, video or audio signal, computer processing, electrolytic process, or other useful work produced by equipment using electricity.
End-use means the purpose for which the loan is being granted, being towards payment of educational fees to the relevant Educational Institute, whether for the Borrower or any other Person, as agreed between the Parties, as more specifically described in the Schedule hereto.
End-use means the:

Examples of End-use in a sentence

  • Provider shall support SAP in obtaining any required authorization by providing information and/or declarations, e.g. End Use Certificates, as may be requested by SAP.

  • Licensee shall support SAP in obtaining any required authorization by providing information and/or declarations, e.g. End Use Certificates, as may be requested by SAP.

  • The total quantity of the Coal/Contracted Grade of Coal supplied pursuant to this Agreement shall only be utilized in the Specified End Use Plant.

  • The Borrower/s agree and undertake to utilize the entire amount of the Loan, only for the End Use and shall not use the Loan amount for any speculative or illegal purposes.

  • Purpose or End Use of the Loan Towards payment of Educational Fees to the Educational Institute 3.

More Definitions of End-use

End-use means processes or classes of specific applications within industry sectors including, but not limited to, those listed in WAC 173-443-040.
End-use. ’ means processes or classes of specific applications within industry sectors, including but not limited to those listed in Section 6.0.
End-use means the final work product resulting from Licensee’s combination of the Content with Licensee’s asset management data as necessary to enhance such Licensee’s data, as permitted under the Agreement and Order Confirmation.
End-use means the purpose for which energy is used, including, but not limited to, heating, cooling, or lighting, or class of energy uses upon which an energy efficiency program is focused, typically categorized by equipment purpose, equipment energy use intensity, or building type.
End-use means an intended final use of a product by a consumer which will not result in additional value being added to the product.
End-use means the light, heat, cooling, refrigeration, motor drive, or other useful work produced by equipment that uses electricity or its substitutes.
End-use means the ultimate use for which the property is allotted;