Endorsed plan definition
Endorsed plan means a municipal, county, regional, neighborhood or special resource area plan which has been submitted for consideration in a petition to the State Planning Commission for plan endorsement, which petition has been approved as a result of a finding by the State Planning Commission that the plan is consistent with the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:85-7.
Endorsed plan means the plan for the LNG Precinct as endorsed by the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment pursuant to the Strategic Assessment Agreement.
Endorsed plan means a municipal, county or regional plan that has been formally endorsed by the State Planning Commission (by the application deadline) as a result of finding it consistent with the State Plan. For scattered site projects where not all the sites are in an endorsed plan, a majority of the units must be located in the endorsed plan area to qualify for the endorsed plan points.
Examples of Endorsed plan in a sentence
Provision of technical expertise in support of the voter registration update in Choiseul and Western Province (3 consultants, Dec 2017-April 2018).- Endorsed plan to enhance integrity and national ownership of the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system.
Endorsed plan presented by Rev Troy Beer Director Evangelism and Church Growth and agreed to fund him 2.5 days on conclusion of appointment at Axis4.
DistrictNawalparasiRupandehiKapilvastuPartner NGOsHICODEFNECOSKIDS Endorsed plan and budget from DSM of each district Visited all three districts and built rapport with the stakeholders RIMS-MSFP team visited various places of 3 districts where LFP and IFP activities were implemented.
More Definitions of Endorsed plan
Endorsed plan means the plan endorsed with the stamp of Council from time to time as the plan which forms part of the Planning Permit.
Endorsed plan means the plan endorsed with the stamp of Council from time to time as the plan which forms part of the Planning Permit. Owner means the person registered or entitled from time to time to be registered as proprietor of an estate in fee simple of the Subject Land or any part of it and includes a mortgagee-in-possession. Owner's obligations includes the Owner's specific obligations and the Owner's further obligations. Party or Parties means the Parties to this Agreement but does not include a person who has transferred or otherwise disposed of all of their interests in the Subject Land. Planning Scheme means the Ballarat Planning Scheme and any other planning scheme that applies to the Subject Land.
Endorsed plan means a municipal, county or regional plan which has been approved by the State Planning Commission for plan endorsement as a result of finding it consistent with the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:85-7.
Endorsed plan means a municipal, county or regional plan which has been approved by the State Planning Commission for initial or advanced plan endorsement as a result of finding it consistent with the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:85 -7. This definition is in accord with and derived from the State Development and Redevelopment Plan.
Endorsed plan means the plan endorsed with the stamp of Council from time to time as the plan which forms part of the Planning Permit;
Endorsed plan means the plan endorsed with the stamp of Council from time to time as the plan which forms part of the Planning Permit. Owner means the person registered or entitled from time to time to be registered as proprietor of an estate in fee simple of the Subject Land or any part of it and includes a mortgagee-in-possession. Owner's obligations includes the Owner's specific obligations and the Owner's further obligations. Party or Parties means the Parties to this Agreement. Planning Scheme means the Ballarat Planning Scheme and any other planning scheme that applies to the Subject Land.