Plan Area definition

Plan Area means the geographic area analyzed in the HCP/NCCP, located in the eastern portion of Contra Costa County, as depicted in Figure 1-1 of the HCP/NCCP. The Plan Area is further described in detail in Chapter 1.2.1 of the HCP/NCCP. The Plan Area is also referred to as the “Inventory Area” in the HCP/NCCP.
Plan Area means the area of land within the boundaries of, and described within, the Plan. The Property is included within the Plan Area.
Plan Area means the real property included in the Project Area and any additional parcels meeting the criteria provided in Section 4.3, from which the TIF Revenues will be generated in order to finance the Public Infrastructure constituting a part of the Project.

Examples of Plan Area in a sentence

  • II-3 1.23 Numbering Plan Area (NPA).......................................................................

  • The parties to this Agreement are Golden Gate Regional Center and the San Mateo County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).

  • II-3 1.23 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) .................................................................................

  • It is understood, a representative of the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) of which the LEA is a member is an authorized LEA representative in collaboration with the LEA.

  • Prior to LAUSD Board of Education approval, Charter School will execute a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) by and between LAUSD and Charter School regarding the provision and funding of special education services consistent with the requirements of the LAUSD Special Education Local Plan Area (“SELPA”) Local Plan for Special Education.

More Definitions of Plan Area

Plan Area means the tenure areas indicated in Table 1, covered by FDU A (refer to FSP map in Appendix A).
Plan Area means the geographic area analyzed in the SCVHP, located in within Santa Clara County, specifically in portions of the Santa Clara Valley bounded on the east by the Diablo Range, on the west by the Santa Cruz Mountains, and on the North by the San Francisco Bay shoreline, as depicted in Figures 1-1 and 1-2 of the SCVHP. The Plan Area is further described in detail in Chapter
Plan Area means the properties and rights-of-way located with the Madras Urban Renewal Boundary.
Plan Area means the parcels of real property identified as the plan area in the applicable Economic Impact Plan.
Plan Area means the area in which all conservation actions will be implemented and generally where the Plan Permittees have Take Authorization for Covered Species and species habitat resulting from Covered Activities.
Plan Area. The lands defined in this document on Map 2 noted as “Plan Area” (approximately 1 to 1.5 miles on either side of the shared border) to which the policies of this document pertain. Provincial Highway: A road development as such by Ministerial Order pursuant to the Highway Development and Protection Act, Alberta Regulation 326/2009. Renewable Resource/Energy: A natural resource or form of energy that can replenish on its own with time. Shall: Is an operative word that means the action is mandatory. Should: Is an operative word that means that in order to achieve the Plan’s objectives, it is strongly advised that the action be taken.
Plan Area means the geographic area covered by the Yolo HCP/NCCP, as described in Chapter 1 (Introduction) and depicted in Figure 1-1 thereof. The Plan Area includes the County of Yolo in its entirety, consisting of approximately 653,549 acres and also includes 1,174 acres along the south bank of Putah Creek in Solano County designated as the “Extended Plan Area for Riparian Restoration” in Figure 1-1. This area is included in the Plan Area only for the purpose of providing additional sites for riparian restoration to support the Covered Species.