Endowed Fund definition
Examples of Endowed Fund in a sentence
Glancy Endowed Fund in excess of $7,000 per year to support television and radio programming needs.
In the case of an Endowed Fund established by the beneficiary agency, by vote of its Board of Directors and approval by the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
In the case of an Endowed Fund established by a donor, by direction of the donor and approval by the Foundation’s Board of Directors or by the sole determination of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
The Library signed an “Agency Endowed Fund Agreement” for $170,000 and an “Agency Permanent Endowed Fund Agreement” for $10,000 with the Foundation.
Nonprofits establishing an Endowed Fund may choose how the Fund will be invested initially, and the Primary Fund Representative may change the investment recommendation on an annual basis in December.
THE UPDATED GRANT AND LOAN GUIDE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN WEST ALABAMA IS AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW! 85Healthcare 85Alabama Additional Funding Sources 86Community Foundations in Alabama 86Daniel Foundation 86Alabama Power Foundation 86Alabama Humanities Foundation 86Gwyn Turner Endowed Fund 86Sybil H.
The Endowment would “have lasting impact,” would “outlive every 12-month period.” Start out by attempting to target three-year pledges to endowment (to support strategic priorities), while Annual Fund letter would be largely the same as it has been: Endowed Fund* Annual (General) FundX- Strategic Priorities Professional SupportX- Ham AwardsX- Peterson PrizesScholarships* 3-year ask.
Andrew and Kathleen Eisen Endowed Fund was established on April 9, 2013 to support ALS patient services.
An Endowed Fund, as a permanent Fund, cannot be closed; however, it may be transferred to The Community Foundation’s discretionary Fund for Greater Washington Endowment.
Hindsley Endowed Fund for Symphonic Band Historical Performance Institute Fund Ernest Hoffzimmer Scholarship Leonard Hokanson Chamber Music Scholarship Georgia Wash Holbeck Fellowship Julian Hook Music Fund Julian Hook Music Theory Fund William S.