Engineered system definition
Examples of Engineered system in a sentence
An Engineered system requires that hydraulic flow calculations are undertaken to size the pipe work and discharge nozzles.
Currently a rebate equal to 36% of the GST (i.e. 1.8% of the total cost) is given for substantial renovations (90% of the interior of a building is removed/replaced).
Module 5 Solid Waste Management 3 periodsDefinition; Generation of SW; Components; Engineered system for SWM – generation, in‐site process, collection; transfer and transport, processing, disposal.
Engineered system is basically the ‘pipe-to-pipe’ strategy to find out the connection of optimal flows and thus ensure circular use of material.
Engineered system that utilizes natural treatment processes to treat and manage stormwater runoff.
The Engineered system was introduced and offered as a way to add context to riskassessment and determine where significant hazards lie.
Further developed are considerations related to:Waste inventories (quantity, properties) Natural environment hosting the repository Engineered system The radioactive waste inventories are the primary input for all developments of a geological repository.
The Bidder must also be capable of providing Engineered system drawings and / or documentation for both proposed and as-built system replacements or upgrades.
The SeptiTech Engineered system, as referred to in this approval, are just multiples of the commercial STAAR 4.5 (M3000N) for large flows larger than a regular STAAR 4.5. Other systems (s) are added in line to handle flow treatment.
Safeguard: Engineered system or administrative controls that prevent the cause or mitigate the consequences of deviations.Hazard category: An assessment of the hazard risk of the operation.