Entrant definition

Entrant has the meaning given in clause 5.3;
Entrant means the individual that offers the Entry under the terms of this Contest.
Entrant means any person, persons or body who enters a vehicle in a competition and who is in possession of a licence.

Examples of Entrant in a sentence

  • Entrant waives the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages.

  • Entrant agrees to receive messages from Station from time to time relating to the Contest, the Station, and any Contest sponsor or prize provider.

  • In the event that an alternate Selected Entrant is required to be selected, the same above-noted process will apply.

  • The Entrant and Entrant’s Representatives agree to fully indemnify the Released Parties from any and all claims by third parties relating to the Contest, without limitation.

  • Entrant further agrees that in any cause of action, the Released Parties liability will be limited to the cost of entering and participating in the Contest, and in no event shall the entrant be entitled to receive attorney's fees.

More Definitions of Entrant

Entrant means any person, persons or body who enters a vehicle in a competition and who is in possession of a licence. In the case of minors, the parent or court-appointed legal guardian is automatically deemed to be the entrant and he/she shall not be required to be in possession of a licence separate to that of his/her minor child. Should a parent or legal guardian not be willing or able to act as the entrant for his or her minor child, he or she shall advise MSA accordingly and nominate an alternative entrant to act on his or her behalf. Any such alternative entrant for a minor driver/rider must hold an entrants licence issued by MSA and, unless MSA has granted specific written approval to the contrary following a formal request, such alternative entrant may only represent one minor driver/rider.
Entrant means a person who is eligible to participate in and has submitted an entry into this Promotion in accordance with these Terms.
Entrant means an entity or person who has entered a Car that has been accepted for Competition and holds an IMSA Membership in the capacity of an Entrant or Entrant/Driver.
Entrant has the meaning given in clause 6.4;
Entrant. , “Participant”, or “Player” means a Person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, who makes a qualifying purchase or otherwise validly enters a Promotion according to one of the approved Entry methods stated in the Promotion Rules in the hope of winning a Prize.
Entrant means an artist who submits an Entry to the Competition.
Entrant or “you” means you, the entrant to the competition.