Entry Date means the Effective Date of the Plan and each January 1 and July 1 of each Plan Year after the Effective Date.
Plan Entry Date means the Effective Date and: (Choose (d), (e) or (f))
Dual enrollment means the enrollment of a 3- or 4-year-old student who is eligible for special education services in both a public school district, through which the student receives special education services, and a private or home school.
Effective date of enrollment means the first date when an en- rollee is entitled to receive covered benefits.
Plan Year(s means the approximate twelve-month periods between annual meetings of the shareholders of the Company, which, for purposes of the Plan, are the periods for which annual retainers are earned.
Excess Elective Deferrals means the amount of Elective Deferrals (as defined below) for a calendar year that the Participant designates to the Plan pursuant to the following procedure. The Participant’s designation: shall be submitted to the Administrator in writing no later than March 1; shall specify the Participant’s Excess Elective Deferrals for the preceding calendar year; and shall be accompanied by the Participant’s written statement that if the Excess Elective Deferrals is not distributed, it will, when added to amounts deferred under other plans or arrangements described in Section 401(k), 408(k) or 403(b) of the Code, exceed the limit imposed on the Participant by Section 402(g) of the Code for the year in which the deferral occurred. Excess Elective Deferrals shall mean those Elective Deferrals that are includible in a Participant's gross income under Section 402(g) of the Code to the extent such Participant's Elective Deferrals for a taxable year exceed the dollar limitation under such Code section.
Final Order Entry Date means the date on which the Final Order is entered by the Bankruptcy Court.
Plan Year means the calendar year.
Annuity Commencement Date is the first day of the month an annuity begins under this contract. This date may not be later than the date a Participant's periodic benefits are required to commence under the Code.
Enrollment Date means the first Trading Day of each Offering Period.
Initial Enrollment Period means one of the following periods during which you may first enroll for coverage under this plan:
Adoption Date means the date the Plan is first approved by the Board or Compensation Committee.
Vesting Commencement Date means the Grant Date or such other date selected by the Committee as the date from which an Award begins to vest.
Offering Periods means the periods of approximately ---------------- twenty-four (24) months during which an option granted pursuant to the Plan may be exercised, commencing on the first Trading Day on or after May 1 and November 1 of each year and terminating on the last Trading Day in the periods ending twenty-four months later; provided, however, that the first Offering Period under the Plan shall commence with the first Trading Day on or after the date on which the Securities and Exchange Commission declares the Company's Registration Statement effective and ending on the last Trading Day on or before April 30, 2002. The duration and timing of Offering Periods may be changed pursuant to Section 4 of this Plan.
Matching Period has the meaning specified in Section 5.4(1)(e).
Deferral Year means each calendar year during which the Director makes, or is entitled to make, Compensation Deferrals under Section 3 hereof.
Anniversary Year The one-year period beginning on the Closing Date and ending on the first anniversary thereof, and each subsequent one-year period beginning on the day after the end of the preceding Anniversary Year and ending on next succeeding anniversary of the Closing Date.
Elective Deferrals mean Compensation and Elective Deferrals for: . [Note: The Employer must complete the blank line with the applicable time period for computing the Basic Match, such as "each payroll period," "each calendar month," "each Plan Year quarter" or "the Plan Year."]
Quarterly Commencement Date means the 1st day of each of April, July, October and January in each year.
Deferral Percentage means the percentage (which, unless the Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, determines otherwise, shall be in whole percentage increments and not more than 90%) specified by the Participant to be the percentage of each payment of Compensation he or she wishes to defer under the Plan.
Distribution Commencement Date means the Issue Date or such other date as may be specified as the Distribution Commencement Date on the face of such Perpetual Security;
Eligibility Waiting Period means the continuous length of time you must be in Active Employment in an eligible class to reach your Eligibility Date.
Special Enrollment Period means a period of time allowed under this Plan, other than the eligible person’s Initial Enrollment Period or an Open Enrollment Period, during which an eligible person can request coverage under this Plan as a result of certain events that create special enrollment rights.
Annual Enrollment Period or "Enrollment Period" means the period before each policy anniversary so designated by the Sponsor and Lincoln during which you may enroll for coverage under this policy.
Eligibility and selection criteria means criteria for determining:
Enrollment means the number of students who are enrolled in a school operated by the district on October 1. A student shall be counted as one whether the student is enrolled as a full-time or part-time student. Students enrolled in prekindergarten programs shall not be counted.