Examples of Equipment Register in a sentence
The hourly and mileage rates in effect on December 31, 1990, as published in Association of American Railroads Circular No. OT–10 found in the information section of tar- iff STB RER 6411–U known as the Offi- cial Railway Equipment Register.
ITEM 4080 INCORPORATION OF DOCUMENTS:Prices subject to the rules and conditions of the Railway Equipment Register, STCC 6001, OPSL 6000, UFC 6000.
These inventories can be maintained on a computer system such as Key Solutions Cash Accounts or the SIMS Equipment Register Module.
For marked capacities, lengths, dimensions and cubical capacities of cars, see Official Railway Equipment Register (RER) 6413 - series.
Equipment Register On-going An up-to-date register is to be maintained from Services Commencement Date.
Gross weight on rail of loaded car and container shall not exceed the individual car's stenciled load limit or load limit shown in Universal Machine Language Equipment Register (UMLER) which will govern if there is a difference in stenciled value.
Studies on the mechanism of action of the chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and related compounds.
The Volunteer Tool & Protective Equipment Register must also be completed when activities requiring the use of tools and personal protective equipment are used.
Effective July 1, 1999, to facilitate tracking and accounting of equipment, equipment owners shall register all trailers, containers, and chassis in the Universal Machine Language Equipment Register (UMLER), as specified in the UMLER Specification Manual.
Item 5030 – Application of Switching Charges for Special Equipment The rates and charges herein apply to shipments which are both loaded and empty within the same switching district only when loaded in equipment within Plate F standards as defined by The Official Railway Equipment Register.