Examples of Equivalent Operating Hours in a sentence
Other Restrictions: Capacity Table Dry Bulb Temperature °F Relative Humidity % Barometric Pressure* psia Plant Net Output MWs ISO Conditions 59 60 Peak July Conditions January February March April May June July August September October November December * at plant elevation Guaranteed Output and Heat Rate [Seller to modify and provide details for Facility’s specific technology] All values are established as a function of the Equivalent Operating Hours.
The major expenditure on R&M of the GTs are allowed for enhancing the life of the generating station by 1,00,000 Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) which translates into 15 years, considering the low PLF of the generating station.
Probes that could be used to encourage participants were mostly “hm- hm”, “yes”, and “okay.” As the interviews were semi-structured, there was freedom to elaborate on the interviewees’ answers.
Depreciation is recognized in the profit or loss on a straight-line basis (except for gas turbines; which Unit of Production Method i.e Equivalent Operating Hours - EOH are used over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment except which reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset.
While the cost may likely be low for steamCS Energy Limited submission to ERC0332 turbine driven generators, this is unlikely to be true for hydro plant with large guide vane ring assemblies, or for high efficiency gas turbines where the PFR causes an increase in Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) and thus more frequent expensive overhauls, or for renewable generators which are forced to spill free energy.
Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) which translates into 15 years considering no PLF of the Generating Station.
GG) Equivalent Operating Hours NOx and CO limits (Title I Condition)None Determination of operating mode and fuel type for each hour of operation.Permittee will use part 75 Appendix E NOx alternative monitoring.
Maintenance parameter such as Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) are also not currently included to the load dispatch optimization to avoid two or more machines being sent for maintenance at the same time.
Evaluation of the proposals is expected to be completed within 45 days after their receipt.
This award will be in the amount of $45 million for the R.M. Flynn Power Plant for a 20-year term or 100,000 Equivalent Operating Hours (‘EOH’).