Examples of Essentially in a sentence
Essentially, the money is borrowed to exercise the option to purchase shares, the option is exercised and simultaneously the shares are sold to pay for the purchase, taxes, and broker commissions.
Essentially, if an Offeror’s proposal is not evaluated as having a chance for contract award because of the content of the proposal and/or the price, the proposal will be dropped from the competitive range to save time and money for both the Contractor and FCS.
Essentially Equivalent Work Work that is substantially the same research, which is proposed for funding in more than one contract proposal or grant application submitted to the same Federal agency or submitted to two or more different Federal agencies for review and funding consideration; or work where a specific research objective and the research design for accomplishing the objective are the same or closely related to another proposal or award, regardless of the funding source.
Essentially all letters of credit issued have expiration dates within one year.
Essentially all regular employees of the District are eligible to enroll as members of the State-administered Florida Retirement System (FRS).
Essentially all regular employees of participating employers are eligible and must enroll as members of FRS.
Essentially all regular employees of the University are eligible to enroll as members of the State-administered Florida Retirement System (FRS).
Essentially a separate federal income tax system with its own rates and rules, the AMT effectively disallows a number of itemized deductions.
Essentially, the purpose of a commercial lease is to make sure there are no loose ends that can leave either party at risk.
Essentially the purpose of referencing is to ensure that presented work is substantiated with and supported by appropriate theories and evidence.