Ethics and Compliance Committee definition
Examples of Ethics and Compliance Committee in a sentence
In the event of matches of the consulted persons in the Restrictive Lists of the OFAC and UN and the lists of source crimes for AL/FT, the Compliance Officer shall inform this fact to the FIAU and the Ethics and Compliance Committee shall be called upon to determine the subsequent steps.
The Dragados USA Ethics and Corporate Compliance Manager (“ECCM”) has responsibility for administration of this Policy, acting under the supervision of the Dragados USA Ethics and Compliance Committee (the “Compliance Committee”).
The Ethics and Compliance Committee (the “Compliance Committee”) and the Ethics and Corporate Compliance Manager (the “ECCM”).
The Ethics and Compliance Committee reserves the right to review trading activity of employees which fall within either category to the extent that the underlying principles of fair dealing could be potentially violated.
If you have any doubt about whether a conflict of interest exists after consulting this Code, you should seek assistance from the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Committee.
The Bank’s strong risk governance reflects the importance placed by Bank’s Risks, Ethics and Compliance Committee on shaping the risk strategy and managing credit, financial and non-financial risks.
Because employment outside of RenovaCare could interfere with your responsibilities to RenovaCare or be detrimental to the Company, you are encouraged to discuss the situation with the Chief Executive Officer or the Chairperson of the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Committee.
Unruly Parent/spectator behavior is to be corrected by the club first; then, if needed, by the AZ Region Ethics and Compliance Committee.
If you are still unsure, speak with your supervisor or, if you prefer, a member of the Company’s Corporate Ethics and Compliance Committee, if any.
System to ensure that the execution of duties by members of the Board and employees complies with laws and regulations and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation[Contents of the Basic Policy](1) Toray shall establish the Ethics and Compliance Committee, as one of the Group-wide committees to promote observance of corporate ethics and legal compliance, and shall take other measures to improve the required internal systems, including the establishment of dedicated organizations.