EU Regulations definition
Examples of EU Regulations in a sentence
EU Regulations Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, REACH Annex XVII Substances subject to restriction on marketing and use as amended Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, REACH Annex XVII Substances subject to restriction on marketing and use as amended Contains no REACH substances with Annex XVII restrictions.
What standard of due diligence do EU operators have to observe to comply with the obligation to freeze assets and the prohibition to make resources available to listed persons and entities?Last update: 5 April 2022 The applicable EU Regulations lay down on EU operators (and operators conducting business in the EU) an obligation of result regarding the obligation to freeze assets and the prohibition to make funds and economic resources directly or indirectly available.
We are entitled to limit such compensation in accordance with the relevant applicable international conventions, EU Regulations and mandatory national law.
For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.The information below summarises the quantity of solvents used this year, the percentage of fugitive solvent emissions (% of total quantity used) and whether the percentage complied with the targets set in the EU Regulations.
It should be noted that there have been internal personnel transfers among the companies of the Group in order for the Company to comply in the provision of services with EU Regulations and Hellenic Capital Market Commission decisions.