Examples of European Committee for Standardization in a sentence
Practice good housekeeping.Occupational Exposure Controls Personal Protective Equipment:The provided information is made in consideration of the PPE directive (Council Directive 89686EEC)and the CEN European Committee for Standardization (CEN) standards.
European standards for ATEX are produced by and available from two European Standardisation Organisations:- European Committee for Standardization (CEN): avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels, Belgium; tel.
The silica standards allow employers to use any sampling device that conforms to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) convention.
In the New Approach, after the preparation of a directive that defines the “essential requirements” related to one issue, the standardization process will be initiated by one of the three recognized organizations in Europe for the development of standards: the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Insti- tute (ETSI).
Following a standardisation mandate from the Commission to the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), CEN has published the European Standard EN 15744:2009 "Film Identification – Minimum metadata set for cinematographic works".
The new Serbian Standardisation Body is a Partner Standardisation Body of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and an affiliate member since October 2005 of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).
The Dutch commission of ‘Automation systems and integration’ already participates in international standard bodies for BIM-related standards and will advocate the Dutch input in these conversations.NEN is currently a member of: ▪ International Organisation for Standardization (ISO);▪ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);▪ European Committee for Standardization (CEN);▪ European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC);▪ European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
Stakeholders, such as Standards Developing Organisations (European Committee for Standardization, SNOMED International), experts, fora, consortia, representative organisations (patients, professionals) will be engaged through the eHealth stakeholder group, the Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network, other projects and expert groups.
Standards, established under the auspices of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and other organizations for sample collection, transport and storage, and laboratory analysis, are the basis for the quality system.
ESR spectroscopy is one of the pow- erful analytical methods used in the detection of irra- diated foods standardized by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in EN-1787 and EN-13708.