European right definition
Examples of European right in a sentence
Second, people with the European right of permanent residence in the UK, who either: • went elsewhere in the EEA / Switzerland exercising European rights of free movement as workers, students, self-sufficient people, or as the family members of any of those people; or• went to the state in the EEA / Switzerland of which they or their family member was a national.
Orphan Works The Memorandum of Understanding on Orphan Works46, a "spin-off" of the advice provided by the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries, was signed on 4 June 2008 by representatives of European right holders and cultural institutions, including from the film sector.
A Maltese insurance undertaking which is seeking to establish a branch in a Member State or an EEA State in exercise of a European right must submit to the competent authority a notice of intention.
In addition, the European Commission sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia in February 2018, detailing the harm European right holders have suffered as a result of the beoutQ piracy.1440.
But in this next section, I argue that he overemphasizes the jurisprudential connection between the right to judicial rehabilitation in French law and the present-day European right to be forgotten.The right to judicial rehabilitation is conceptually and functionally distinct from the European right to be forgotten.
Over the course of these exchanges, the two European courts have progressively laid down parallel case-law which complements and/or reinforces each other: if neither crosses the “boundary” of a full-on consecration of a European right to same-sex marriage, they have gradually consolidated a significant (if insufficient) “package” of rights benefiting same-sex couples.
CONSULTATION IMPACT Meetings held by the Briagolong Quarry Reserve Special Committee of Council are open to the public.
Steven Johnson, Why Cloudflare Let an Extremist Stronghold Burn, WIRED (January 16, 2018), the goal of being transparent about content takedowns and the European right to be forgotten, another instance in which transparency could lead to greater risk of liability for companies.
The rapporteur recommends that a European right to disconnect is necessary to improve protection of workers and reinforce their rights to fair working conditions, fair remuneration, a work-life balance, periods of rest time and holiday and a healthy and safe workplace.
Orphan Works The Memorandum of Understanding on Orphan Works46, a "spin-off" of the advice provided by the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries, was signed on 4 June 2008 by representatives of European right holders and cultural institutions, including from the film sector.