Excluded work definition
Examples of Excluded work in a sentence
Similarly, City/County/Fire Plan Check Fees (as needed) are not included • Excluded work is available as an Additional Service.
The provisions of §§ 1910.331 through 1910.335 also cover work per- formed by unqualified persons on, near, or with the installations listed in para- graphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this sec- tion.(c) Excluded work by qualified persons.
Th e p r ovisio n s of §§ 1910.331 t hr o u g h 1910.335 a lso cove r wo r k pe r - fo r m ed b y un q ua lified pe r so n s o n , n e ar , o r wi t h t h e i n s t a ll a t io n s lis t ed i n p ara- g ra p h s ( c)(1) t hr o u g h ( c)(4) of t h is sec- t io n .( c) Excluded work by qualified persons.
Excluded work should be claimed at hourly rates on your instructing solicitor’s bill.
Excluded work by "qualified" persons, per OSHA, include work on or directly associated with: 1.