Exhibit G definition
Examples of Exhibit G in a sentence
Pursuant to SOPPA, the LEA shall publish on its website a copy of the DPA between the Provider and the LEA, including this Exhibit G.
For purposes of the DPA and this Exhibit G, "Security Breach" does not include the good faith acquisition of Student Data by an employee or agent of the Provider or LEA for a legitimate educational or administrative purpose of the Provider or LEA, so long as the Student Data is used solely for purposes permitted by SOPPA and other applicable law, and so long as the Student Data is restricted from further unauthorized disclosure.
The total estimated amount for charges pursuant to this exhibit is set forth in Exhibit G.
These tools will include the Contractor Performance Survey (Exhibit G), to be completed by Customers on a quarterly basis.
Paragraph 4 on page 2 of the DPA setting a three-year term for the DPA shall be deleted, and the following shall be inserted in lieu thereof: “This DPA shall be effective upon the date of signature by Provider and LEA, and shall remain in effect as between Provider and LEA 1) for so long as the Services are being provided to the LEA or 2) until the DPA is terminated pursuant to Section 15 of this Exhibit G, whichever comes first.