Plan Updates. The parties agree that innovations in technology and administrative practices can give savings plan participants better access to information about their benefits, increased investment options, timely on-line transaction capability and enhanced administrative features. Accordingly, when the company identifies administrative services that in its estimation reflect industry best practices, the Employee Benefit Plans Committee has discretion to adopt these changes to the Savings Plan. The Company will notify the Union in advance of implementation of any changes adopted by the Employee Benefit Plans Committee.
Plan Updates. The parties agree that innovations in technology and 28
Plan Updates. The Secretary may re- quire a State to review and update a plan, as appropriate.
Plan Updates. Licensee shall update and report progress against the Plan to University in writing within thirty (30) days following December 31st of each Contract Year throughout the Term of this Agreement.
Plan Updates. The parties agree that innovations in technology and administrative 53 Section 15.5 Company Matching Contributions and Employee Elective Contributions. The
Plan Updates. SIGA will update and report progress against the Plan in writing to WUSTL thirty (30) days after the close of each Calendar Half to be submitted concurrently with Calendar Half reports and Product Development Plan updates. SIGA will notify WUSTL of any changes in the Plan within a reasonable time period after the occurrence of or recognition of the need for such changes. Upon request by WUSTL, SIGA will consult with WUSTL concerning tasks, schedules and progress.
Plan Updates. The WDP is intended to be a living document and shall be updated or revised as necessary during the course of the Construction Period, including as requested by the Department. At a minimum, an update of the WDP shall be submitted to the Department for Approval no later than 30 Calendar Days prior to the commencement of each Contract Year.
Plan Updates. The Master Fire Plan shall project the needs and requirements of the Aurora-Newmarket Fire Services Department for a period of 10 years. Updates will be undertaken every 5 years or earlier if felt necessary by the Department, Newmarket Council or Aurora Council. The components of the Master Fire Plan were developed based on the combined Aurora and Newmarket 2000 (and predicted 2006 and 2011) populations (as shown below in Table No. 1), geographic, demographics, service call volumes and expected levels of service premised on the existing Provincial standards and guidelines. Significant changes in any one of the noted variables may cause the Master Fire Plan to become obsolete and require the Master Fire Plan to be updated before the scheduled 5-year period. Notification, in writing, will be provided to the Fire Fighters Association 90 days prior to implementation of any changes to the Master Fire Plan. AURORA 41,820 49,000 56,000 NEWMARKET 67,760 79,000 87,000 Master Planning Committee Terms of Reference and Planning Guidelines
Plan Updates. 1. LBL shall continue consultation with the SHPOs, Indian tribes, and other consulting parties to update the existing HRMP within five (5) years of execution of this agreement.
2. Within one (1) year of the execution of this agreement, LBL shall update the Fire Management Plan to incorporate references to this agreement.
3. LBL shall incorporate references to this agreement if any updates to the LRMP are initiated during the term of this agreement.
Plan Updates. Distributor shall update the Plans and provide such updated Plans to EnteroMedics at least sixty (60) days prior to each anniversary of the date the first Annual Marketing Plan was approved by EnteroMedics. Upon EnteroMedics’ approval, Distributor shall implement the Plans in accordance with EnteroMedics’ ongoing approval and direction.