Biological Resources. Mitigation Measure M-BI-N1 (Cathedral Hill) Before any demolition or construction activities occurring during the nesting season (January 15 through August 15) that involve removal of Project Sponsor/Qualified Pre-consruction surveys prior to Pre-construction surveys for nesting Project Sponsor/Biologist Considered complete upon MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Adopted Mitigation Measures Responsibility for Implementation Mitigation Schedule Mitigation Action Monitoring/ Reporting Responsibility Monitoring Schedule trees or shrubs, CPMC shall conduct a preconstruction survey for nesting birds at each of its medical campuses. The surveys shall be conducted by a qualified wildlife biologist no sooner than 14 days before the start of removal of trees and shrubs. The survey results shall remain valid for 21 days after the survey; therefore, if vegetation removal is not started within 21 days of the survey, another survey shall be required. The area surveyed shall include the construction site and the staging area for the tree or shrub removal. If no nests are present, tree removal and construction may commence. If active nests are located during the preconstruction bird nesting survey, CPMC shall contact DFG for guidance on obtaining and complying with Section 1801of the California Fish and Game Code, which may include setting up and maintaining a line-of-sight buffer area around the active nest and prohibiting construction activities within the buffer; modifying construction activities; and/or removing or relocating active nests. Biologist any construction activities during nesting season. If active nests are found, actions to protect nesting birds to be implemented during construction. birds to be conducted by a qualified biologist. If an active nest is found close to construction area, CPMC shall contact the California Department of Fish and Game and obtain and comply with a Fish and Game Code Section 1801 agreement concerning the implementation of actions to protect nesting birds.. and ERO ERO approval of report by biologist and any actions taken to protect nesting birds pursuant to Section 1801 agreement, if necessary. Mitigation Measure M-BI-N1 (Davies [near-term]) This mitigation measure is identical to Mitigation Measure M-BI-N1 for the Cathedral Hill Campus, above. See M-BI-N1 for Cathedral Hill See M-BI-N1 for Cathedral Hill See M-BI-N1 for Cathedral Hill See M-BI-N1 for Cathedral Hill See M-BI-N1 for Cathedral Hill Mitigation Measure M-BI-N1 (St. Lu...
Biological Resources. Would the project:
Biological Resources. The proposed Agreement will not have any impact on biological resources, and will not change the impacts identified in the City’s CEQA documents.
Biological Resources. Dredging activities in San Xxxx Creek would result in the loss of less than one acre of wetland/riparian vegetation. A mitigation for habitat restoration and enhancement on the creek banks has been included as part of the EIR and would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Disturbance to raptor or heron roosting and/or perching near the mouth of the Goleta Slough during both Phase I and II would be considered potentially significant impacts. Disruption of swallow nesting in Goleta Sough was also identified as a potentially significant impact. The FCD Biologist will monitor the responses of birds to the disturbance with the proposed activities and develop measure to reduce or eliminate impacts. Dredging shall be conducted in the summer and autumn to avoid bird nesting seasons. These mitigations shall reduce impacts to bird populations to a less than significant level. The District has adopted Standard Maintenance Practices (see the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for Santa Xxxxxxx County Flood Control Routine Maintenance Activities, 90-EIR-7: Attachment D) that include a number of measures to reduce impacts on biological resources, such as removal of non-native species and revegetation with native species where feasible. The District also has in place a Pesticide & Petroleum Leak and Spill Prevention & Clean-up Plan, which will be amended to protect biological resources. This plan, however, deals almost exclusively with the use of pesticides, although it could be amended to include spill prevention and clean- up. Impacts of removing wetland and riparian vegetation in San Xxxx Creek shall be mitigated through restoration and enhancement of riparian and salt xxxxx habitat along the banks of San Xxxx Creek. Deposition of dredged materials on Goleta Beach during both Phase I and II have the potential to preclude grunion spawning. Surveys shall be conducted during spawning season to determine if the beach is utilized by the grunion. If so, dredging activities shall be suspended at night and will reduce impacts to an insignificant level. CALENDAR PAGEQ00045 MINUTE PAGE 00 9623
Biological Resources. Potentially Less Than Less than No Significant Significant Significant Impact
Biological Resources. The Project may result in impacts to special-status plant species, vernal pool branchiopods (fairy shrimp and tadpole shrimp and habitat), valley elderberry longhorn beetle, California tiger salamander, western spadefoot, giant garter snake, western pond turtle, nesting birds, tricolored blackbird, Swainson’s Hawk, Northern harrier, Bats (Pallid bats or any other CSC- listed bat species), San Xxxxxxx kit xxx, and American badgers species at or near the propose MPDCP site. Prior to and during construction, the Awardee will implement Mitigation Measures BIO-1 – BIO-12 of the MMRP, which California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) recommends conducting pre-activity clearance surveys to avoid nesting/xxxxxx/den/wetlands sites. Pipeline installation in or around the areas of special-status plant and animal species, the Applicant must consult with USFWS prior to implementation of the project to obtain required permits and authorizations for potential indirect impact to listed species. The applicant shall conduct a jurisdictional delineation of the project site to confirm the limits of jurisdictional areas and potential project impacts to state or federal projected wetlands. Therefore, with mitigation, the environmental impacts on Biological Resources will be reduced to less than significant levels.
Biological Resources. The operator shall avoid any Federal and/or State Threatened and Endangered Species habitat, as well as State Species of Concern that exist in areas where the Facility will be constructed. If any Federal and/or State Threatened and Endangered Species or any State Species of Concern, is found to exist in areas where the Facility will be constructed, then the operator will collaborate with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to mitigate and minimize any potential impact to these species. Arrangements with CPW will be completed prior to application with the County.
Biological Resources. Issues ESA’s biologists are familiar with the regional habitat types occurring in the vicinity of the Project site, having worked on numerous Projects throughout the San Francisco Bay region. Examples specific to Marin County include the recently certified EIR for the Marin County EOF, the San Xxxxxx Rock Quarry Amended Quarry Permit and Reclamation Plan and the Redwood Landfill. Based upon our experience in the area, and our review of the RFP and supporting materials, biological resources on the Project site appear to be relatively limited. The Project site is primarily developed with existing commercial buildings and a parking lot, and is bordered by freeway and residential development. There are two undeveloped grassy areas and the site is planted with abundant trees. The eastern boundary may support a seasonal drainage and riparian vegetation. The southern tip of the Project site borders Xxxxxx Creek’s riparian corridor. The proposed Project’s primary biological resource issues are likely to be the management and removal of native and exotic trees; evaluation of native and non-native trees in the landscaping plan; direct and indirect construction impacts on nesting birds; construction and operational lighting impacts on the Xxxxxx Creek riparian corridor; and the potential for seasonal wetlands in the two grassy undeveloped areas. Rare plants are unlikely, but could be associated with the two grassy locations. Projects approved through the CEQA process should demonstrate that new land uses would be in compliance with federal, State, and local laws and Marinwood Plaza Project EIR 1-17
Biological Resources. Non-Academic Entity The materials listed below, or any portion thereof, (the "Materials") are made available to the named company (the "Company"), subject to the following conditions. Please note that Source BioScience UK Limited is willing to provide the Materials only on the following terms and conditions: