Existing Franchisee definition
Examples of Existing Franchisee in a sentence
The Franchise relates to broadly the same geographical area as the franchise operated by the Existing Franchisee pursuant to the Existing Franchise Agreement.
The Secretary of State possesses certain information relating to the Franchise, the Existing Franchise and the Existing Franchisee, which is of a confidential nature.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Secretary of State, Network Rail, the Existing Franchisee (or equivalent, as above) and any other Secretary of State Information provider shall have no liability in respect of any loss resulting from any inaccuracy or incompleteness of any Secretary of State Information made available on the Data Site and/or AWARD (and/or otherwise), or for any technical failure, any breach of security or any computer virus.
Existing Franchisee exempted from additional PBG (over & above bid security which will be converted to PBG), provided the existing PBG taken under S&D policy is higher than the required PBG as per CSC policy and C-topup balance is not issued against cheques(against PBG of S&D policy).All vendors including MSEs who are registred with designated MSME bodies,like National Small Scale Industries Corporation etc.) shall furnish performance security.
For the avoidance of doubt, the maximum monthly royalty payable by such Existing Franchisee to Master Franchisee shall be the royalty specified in such renewal franchise agreement and/or agreed upon form of franchise agreement or such other amount as agreed between Master Franchisee and the Existing Franchisee.