Existing Zone definition
Examples of Existing Zone in a sentence
The CAISO shall create and maintain Trading Hubs, including Existing Zone Generation Trading Hubs, to facilitate bilateral Energy transactions in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.
The specification of seasons will be identical to the seasons used in the annual CRR Allocation, and the annual calculation of Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub weights will be performed in a timely manner to be coordinated with the annual CRR Allocation and CRR Auction processes.
All MWh quantities of Inter-SC Trades at Aggregated Pricing Nodes submitted to the CAISO for Settlement in the Day-Ahead Market shall be settled at the relevant Day-Ahead Aggregated Pricing Node price such as the Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Trading Hub price or LAP price.
Each Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub is comprised of an aggregation of PNodes for Generating Units within the corresponding Existing Zone.
All MWh quantities of Physical Trades that are reduced during the Physical Trade post market confirmation shall be settled at the relevant Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Trading Hub price.
The forecast and actual output will be provided at an hourly aggregated level by the Existing Zone Trading Hubs.
Each Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub will be comprised of an aggregation of PNodes for Generating Units within the corresponding Existing Zone, whose associated LMPs will be used to establish an Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub price representing the weighted-average price paid to Generating Units in that Existing Zone.
There will be three Existing Zone Generation Trading Hubs, which correspond geographically to the three Existing Zones.
The MWh quantities of Physical Trades that are reduced during the post-market confirmation process are settled at the Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub price for the Existing Zone associated with the resource identified in the Inter-SC Trade of Energy.
Each day prior to the applicable Integrated Forward Market, the CAISO will publish Generation outage data for each Existing Zone Trading Hub aggregated by fuel category, for example thermal, hydro or renewable, to the extent such disclosure is consistent with the confidentiality requirements in Section 20.