Examples of Exit Gas in a sentence
Xxxxxxx is responsible for taking the Exit Gas at the Exit Point.
The risk attached to the Exit Gas made available by BBL Company to Shipper in accordance with the Agreement shall pass from BBL Company to Shipper at the Exit Point.
Using these two variables, we investigate if higher ActiveFrac predicts rating downgrades using a logistic regression of the following form: k,t−1logit(Downgradek,t) = α + βActiveFrac+ γControlsk,t−1 + εk,t (7) m,tk,tColumn (1) of Table 8 shows the results of Regression (7) without adding controls.
During each Hour BBL Company shall (i) take Quantities of Transfer Gas Forward Flow provided that they are Properly Nominated and/or (ii) make available to Shipper at the Exit Point Quantities of Exit Gas provided that they are Properly Nominated and taken by Xxxxxxx at the Exit Point.
The Gas Balance is positive if the allocated Quantity of Exit Gas is lower than the allocated Quantity of Transfer Gas Forward Flow.
The Gas Balance is negative if the allocated Quantity of Exit Gas is higher than the allocated Quantity of Transfer Gas Forward Flow .
If the pressure of the Exit Gas does not comply with the pressure specifications as provided for in the Operating Manual, Xxxxxxx has the right to decide that all or part of the Exit Gas shall not be accepted for delivery.
During each Hour BBL Company shall (i) take Quantities of Transfer Gas Forward Flow provided that they are Properly Nominated and/or (ii) make available to Shipper at the Exit Point Quantities of Exit Gas provided that they are Properly Nominated and taken by Shipper at the Exit Point to the extent the Transmission Capacity will not be interrupted according to an Interruption Notice.
It is recognised between Parties that the refusal of Xxxxxxx to take Exit Gas as a consequence of Article 5.1.4a and the consequent cessation of taking Quantities of Exit Gas and the consequent cessation of delivering equivalent Quantities of Transfer Gas Forward Flow by Xxxxxxx take time to be implemented operationally and are likely to lead to the occurrence of imbalances.
The wind-boxes are all fed from both the Left and Right Sides of the furnace, where the air flow rates are measured using multiports Pitot tubes and are controlled by dampers.At the time of this study, the boiler exhibited a slight imbalance between Left and Right sides of the furnace regarding air flow rates, Furnace Exit Gas Temperature (FEGT), oxygen content in the flue gas and NOx content in the flue gas.