Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue definition

Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue means the amount of annual revenue that would be available if the Maximum Special Taxes were levied on the Expected Land Uses.
Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue means the amount that could be collected if the Maximum Special Tax was levied on the Expected Land Uses. The Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue as of CFD Formation is shown in Attachment 2, and such amount may be adjusted pursuant to Sections D and E below, or if Parcels within the CFD prepay all or a portion of the Special Tax obligation.

Examples of Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue in a sentence

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  • If, based on the comprehensive analysis, the Administrator determines that there is a reduction in Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue, and the Land Use/Entitlement Changes are not all being proposed by the same landowner, the Administrator shall consider the proposed Land Use/Entitlement Changes individually to determine the prepayment from each owner.

  • If, based on this comprehensive analysis, the Administrator determines that there is a reduction in Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue, and all of the Land Use/Entitlement Changes are being proposed by the same land owner, the Administrator shall determine the prepayment by analyzing the combined impact of all of the proposed Land Use/Entitlement Changes.

  • The Administrator shall review all Land Use Changes within the CFD and compare the revised land uses to the Expected Land Uses to evaluate the impact on the Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue.

  • Step 3: The Administrator shall prepare and keep on file an updated Attachment 2 that adds the annexed property and identifies the Expected Land Uses and revised Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue for the CFD.

  • Implementing expiry dates for pipelines will help protect jobs and create new construction jobs across the province.

  • Divide the Maximum Special Tax from Step 1 by the then-current Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue for the CFD.

  • Checks totaling $67,455.13 representing Insurance premiums, Disability reimbursement, Tower rent, copies of Police reports, Community Center receipts, Vince’s Park receipts, PILOT payments, reimbursement for culvert pipe, Grant for trailer (Police) and return of duplicate payment.

  • Upon approval of the Land Use Change, the Administrator shall update Attachment 2 to show the reduced Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue, which shall then be the amount used to size the Final Bond Sale.

  • After the annexation is complete, the application of Sections D, F and I of this RMA shall be based on the adjusted Expected Land Uses and Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue including the newly annexed property.

Related to Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenue

  • Maximum Special Tax means the maximum Special Tax, determined in accordance with Section C below, that can be levied in any Fiscal Year on any Assessor’s Parcel.

  • Total After-Tax Payments means the total of all “parachute payments” (as that term is defined in Section 280G(b)(2) of the Code) made to or for the benefit of the Executive (whether made hereunder or otherwise), after reduction for all applicable federal taxes (including, without limitation, the tax described in Section 4999 of the Code).

  • Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax actually levied in any Fiscal Year on any Assessor’s Parcel.

  • maximum council tax reduction amount means the amount determined in accordance with paragraph 29;

  • alternative maximum council tax reduction means the amount determined in accordance with paragraph 31 and Schedule 4;

  • Net After Tax Amount means the amount of any Parachute Payments or Capped Payments, as applicable, net of taxes imposed under Code Sections 1, 3101 (b) and 4999 and any State or local income taxes applicable to the Executive on the date of payment. The determination of the Net After Tax Amount shall be made using the highest combined effective rate imposed by the foregoing taxes on income of the same character as the Parachute Payments or Capped Payments, as applicable, in effect on the date of payment.

  • After Tax Amount means the amount of the Aggregate Payments less all federal, state, and local income, excise and employment taxes imposed on the Executive as a result of the Executive’s receipt of the Aggregate Payments. For purposes of determining the After Tax Amount, the Executive shall be deemed to pay federal income taxes at the highest marginal rate of federal income taxation applicable to individuals for the calendar year in which the determination is to be made, and state and local income taxes at the highest marginal rates of individual taxation in each applicable state and locality, net of the maximum reduction in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction of such state and local taxes.

  • Net After-Tax Benefit means the Present Value of a Payment net of all federal state and local income, employment and excise taxes imposed on Executive with respect thereto, determined by applying the highest marginal rate(s) applicable to an individual for Executive’s taxable year in which the Change in Control occurs.

  • Base Tax Year means the property tax levy year used

  • Special Tax Requirement means that amount required in any Fiscal Year to: (i) pay debt service on all Outstanding Bonds; (ii) pay periodic costs on the Bonds, including but not limited to, credit enhancement and rebate payments on the Bonds; (iii) pay Administrative Expenses; (iv) pay any amounts required to establish or replenish any reserve funds for all Outstanding Bonds; (v) pay directly for the acquisition or construction of facilities authorized to be financed by IA No. 2 to the extent that inclusion of such amount does not increase the Special Tax levy on Undeveloped Property; and (vi) pay for reasonably anticipated Special Tax delinquencies based on the historical delinquency rate for IA No. 2 as determined by the CFD Administrator; less (vii) a credit for funds available to reduce the annual Special Tax levy, as determined by the CFD Administrator pursuant to the Indenture.

  • Anticipated county property tax revenue availability means the

  • Income Tax Expense means for Borrower and its Subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis for any period, all state and federal franchise or income taxes paid or due to be paid during such period.

  • Final Tax Amount has the meaning set forth in Section 4.01(b)(ii).

  • Net Tax Benefit has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(b) of this Agreement.

  • Tax Revenue means, with respect to the Project Area, (a) those tax revenues referred to (1) in the last sentence of the first paragraph of Article VIII, Section 12 of the Constitution of the State and (2) in Section 18-2147, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as amended, and (b) all payments made in lieu thereof.

  • Sales Tax Revenues means taxes collected under the Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Act

  • Assigned Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax of that name described in Section D.

  • Pre-Tax Income means income, as determined by GAAP, prior to deduction of the Bonus Pool (as hereinafter defined) and income taxes, and if applicable, after the deduction of any bonus pool of a future officer bonus plan adopted by the Company relating to an applicable Award Year and adjustments approved by the Board as described herein.

  • council tax benefit means council tax benefit under Part 7 of the SSCBA; “couple” has the meaning given by paragraph 4;

  • Net After-Tax Receipt means the present value (as determined in accordance with Sections 280G(b)(2)(A)(ii) and 280G(d)(4) of the Code) of a Payment net of all taxes imposed on Executive with respect thereto under Sections 1 and 4999 of the Code and under applicable state and local laws, determined by applying the highest marginal rate under Section 1 of the Code and under state and local laws which applied to Executive’s taxable income for the immediately preceding taxable year, or such other rate(s) as the Accounting Firm determines to be likely to apply to Executive in the relevant tax year(s).

  • Maximum allowable cost list means a list of drugs for

  • Actual Tax Liability means, with respect to any Taxable Year, the liability for Covered Taxes of the Corporation (a) appearing on Tax Returns of the Corporation for such Taxable Year and (b) if applicable, determined in accordance with a Determination (including interest imposed in respect thereof under applicable law).

  • Special Taxes means any and all present or future taxes, levies, imposts, deductions, charges or withholdings, or any liabilities with respect thereto, including those arising after the date hereof as result of the adoption of or any change in law, treaty, rule, regulation, guideline or determination of a Governmental Authority or any change in the interpretation or application thereof by a Governmental Authority but excluding, in the case of Lender, such taxes (including income taxes, franchise taxes and branch profit taxes) as are imposed on or measured by Lender’s net income by the United States of America or any Governmental Authority of the jurisdiction under the laws under which Lender is organized or maintains a lending office.

  • Estimated Incremental Quarterly Tax Amount has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 6.9.

  • Pre-Tax Earnings means the Corporation's earnings before income taxes as reported in the Company's Consolidated Income Statement for each fiscal year of the Performance Period, excluding any non-cash charge incurred in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) for any restricted stock or restricted stock unit awards granted during the Performance Period and all options, restricted stock and other equity compensation granted to Directors during the Performance Period.

  • After-Tax Basis means, with respect to any payment due to any Person, the amount of such payment supplemented by a further payment or payments so that the sum of all such payments, after reduction for all Taxes payable by such Person by reason of the receipt or accrual of such payments, shall be equal to the payment due to such Person.