Examples of Extensive renovation in a sentence
Extensive renovation rises in sustainability and surpasses the sustainable demolition & new building strategy.
Extensive renovation of the entrance, connecting walkways, common areas, and dining venue recently has taken place at Twining Village, Holland, Bucks County, as part of Diakon’s senior living community capital projects to remain market leaders.
The third case relies only on the presence of input A and B and this causes the input combination to become co-dependent (as each pair of inputs could remove the requirement for the last input).
Extensive renovation is going on to accommodate all the administrative and academic sections of the University.
Extensive renovation work on women’s wards, delivery rooms, operations theatres and nurseries in all 31 facilities have almost been fully completed in this past year.
Extensive renovation work is needed to modify these old buildings to comply with the NABH requirements.
Extensive renovation work completed in 2006 repaired accumulated garage deterioration and remodeled the public space, providing granite hardscapes, large planter boxes, revised garage access, and an additional water feature known as the Water Wall.
Principal-in-Charge MAIN LOBBYPROJECT DESCRIPTION• Extensive renovation toaccommodate significant increased enrollment in the district.• Visioning, programming, full design for renovation | Chapter 149A.Kristin DeFrancisco, Former PrincipalCurrent: Assistant Superintendent Groton-Dunstable Reg.
Physical Renovation: Extensive renovation was carried out on the Northwest corridor of the second floor, and the Southeast and Southwest corridors of the third floor of Biology-Life Sciences Building.
Extensive renovation will be required due to the building's age, obsolete layout, and condition.