Examples of External Secondment in a sentence
External Secondment An arrangement made with the mutual consent of the manager and employee whereby the Council makes an employee available under specific agreed arrangements to work with another employer for a specific period of time.
It is therefore essential that an External Secondment Application Form is completed in advance of any agreement being reached between NHS Borders and the Host Organisation.If the service can support the request and approval is given then an External Secondment Agreement will be produced in partnership with the Management Accountant and the HR Business Partner for the area of work.
The host manager must liaise with the HR Department in the event of any External Secondment into the Trust.
External Secondment - An agreement made whereby the Council makes an employee available under specific arrangements to work with another employer for a specific period of time.
External Secondment Agreement means the agreement between the City and the Host Employer outlining all terms and conditions.
External Secondment outside of NSW Health is the secondment of an employee for a predefined period, to a position with another government agency which is not NSW Health Service (e.g. PublicService Commission, NSW Police, etc.).
FC Band Acting Up Active Assignment Career Break Internal Secondment Maternity & Adoption Out on External Secondment - Paid Suspend No Pay Suspend With Pay Total Total 146 8466 8 122 127 10 1 4 8884 % 2% 95% 0.1% 1% 1% 0.1% 0.01% 0.05% 100% At the time of this report, the Trust had 127 employees on maternity or adoption leave, which equates to 1% of the workforce.
External Secondment means when an employee undertakes a position external to the City for a fixed period of time (up to 52 weeks).
The Chief Executive of SESLHD is to formally advise the host organisation of the refusal (refer to Appendix 2 – Letter of Approval to Employee – External Secondment).
External Secondment Agreement for Communities Facilities Partnerships AdvisorA board member is a councilor for the Gisborne District Council (GDC).