Examples of Family Case Plan in a sentence
In completing SS-FC-119A and SS-FC-3, the worker must address all required information for the child’s portion of the Child, Youth and Family Case Plan in order to fulfill federal requirements for case planning.
If an order of sibling separation has not been previously entered by the Court and the Uniform Child or Family Case Plan includes placement of a child in a legal guardianship separate from his or her siblings, the worker must secure a court order which finds that it is in the best interest of the child not to be placed in the same home as his or her sibling.
The Family Case Plan includes a description of a plan to keep the Child safe; individual Family strengths, supports, and needs; how the strengths and Family supports can be used to assist the Family in self-directed change; how the Agency and others will assist the Family in overcoming the needs; and document compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
When will Contractors receive a copy of the Family Case Plan?A1: The Family Case Plan is to be completed within 60 days from the initial provision of services or a court order.
The Child, Youth and Family Case Plan contains the information necessary to fulfill the state requirements in child abuse and neglect proceedings for a Child’s Case Plan and a Family Case Plan as well as the federal requirements for case planning.
Another expectation of the MDT is to develop the Family portion of the Child, Youth and Family Case Plan.
Regardless of the way a child enters care, a Child, Youth and Family Case Plan must be developed and documented in FACTS within sixty (60) days of the date the child entered care.
The Family Case Plan includes: a description of a plan to keep the child safe; individual family strengths, supports, and needs; a description of how the strengths and family supports can be used to assist the family in self-directed change; how the Department and others will assist the family in overcoming the needs; and, documentation of compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
Within the Child, Youth Family Case Plan, filed with the court prior to disposition, the child’s worker must recommend adoption as the permanency plan for the child and detail the steps necessary to achieve permanency.
In completing SS-FC-119A and SS-FC-3, the worker must address all required information for the child’s portion of the Child, Youth, and Family Case Plan in order to fulfill federal requirements for case planning.