Examples of Fast Track in a sentence
No changes or cancellations will be accepted on the 24-Hour Fast Track Program.
Return Material Authorization (RMA) for Deliverables must be processed through Fast Track Customer Service.
All synchronous and induction machines must be no larger than 2 MW to be eligible for the Fast Track Process, regardless of location.
Certified inverter-based Small Generating Facilities located within 2.5 electrical circuit miles of a substation and on a mainline (as defined in the table below) are eligible for the Fast Track Process under the higher thresholds according to the table below.
That the following property be transferred, under authority of Section 20 of the Land Bank Fast Track Act, Act 258 of the Public Acts of 2003, MCL 124.770, to the MICHIGAN LAND BANK FAST TRACK AUTHORITY, a Michigan public body corporate and politic, Grantee, whose address is Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, P.