FDP Company definition
Examples of FDP Company in a sentence
For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that this Deed does not enable an examination under Section 6(3)(d) of the National Audit Act 1983 to be carried out in relation to the Operator or the FDP Company.
Each of the Operator and the FDP Company shall comply at all times prior to the Termination Date with data protection legislation and shall not perform its obligations under this Deed in such a way as to cause the Secretary of State to breach any of her applicable obligations under the data protection legislation.
The FDP Company shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses.
Each of the Operator and the FDP Company shall retain, maintain, transfer and dispose of all documents of record (including superseded records) in accordance with any and all applicable Laws and Regulations to which it is subject.
The Operator and the FDP Company acknowledge that the National Audit Office has the right to publish details of this Deed in its relevant reports to Parliament.
Where the FDP Company considers that an investment stated in an investment order would constitute a prohibited practice or prohibited direct investment (described below), the FDP Company is obliged to issue an inconsistent investment notice to NNB as soon as reasonably practicable.
The FAP provides that First Criticality may not occur unless and until the floating charges in favour of the Secretary of State and the FDP Company have been granted.
Neither the Operator nor the FDP Company shall make a declaration of trust in respect of or enter into any arrangement whereby it agrees to hold in trust for any other person all or any part of the benefit of, or its rights or benefits under, this Deed.
If the Operator or, if applicable, the FDP Company fails to deliver a Modification Proposal Objection Notice by that deadline, the Operator and, if applicable, the FDP Company will be deemed to have agreed that the Process Trigger Event has occurred and to have accepted and agreed with the Proposed Modification.
Further, the FDP Company is not required to make the investment if it does not have sufficient available cash and shall notify NNB of this fact as soon as reasonably practicable.