Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material.
Biodiesel fuel means a renewable, biodegradable, mono alkyl ester combustible liquid fuel derived from agricultural plant oils or animal fat such as, but not limited to, soybean oil. For purposes of this definition, “biodiesel fuel” must also meet the specifications of American Society for Testing and Material Specifications (ASTM) D 6751-02, “Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100) Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels,” and be registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a fuel and a fuel additive under Section 211(b) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 7401, et seq. as amended through November 15, 1990.
plant products means products of plant origin, unprocessed or having undergone simple preparation in so far as these are not plants, set out in Annex IV-A, Part 3 to this Agreement;
Diesel fuel means the same as that term is defined in Section 59-13-102.
Spent fuel means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor;
Dyed diesel fuel means diesel fuel that meets the dyeing and marking requirements of 26 U.S.C.
Refined Products means gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, asphalt and asphalt products, and other refined products of crude oil.
Ethanol blended gasoline means the same as defined in section 214A.1.
Undyed diesel fuel means diesel fuel that is not subject to the United States Environmental
Blended fuel means a mixture composed of gasoline or diesel fuel and another liquid, other than a
licensed water supplier means a company which is the holder for the time being of a water supply licence under Section 17A(1) of the 1991 Act(f);
Crude Oil means any liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the earth whether or not treated to render it suitable for transportation and includes:
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Jet Fuel means aviation fuel, except for JP-8, Military Jet Fuel, which is kerosene based and meets
Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department.
Fuel supplier means an entity supplying fuel to the market that is responsible for passing fuel through an excise duty point or, in the case of electricity or where no excise is due or where duly justified, any other relevant entity designated by a Member State;
Fossil fuel-fired means the combustion of fossil fuel or any derivative of fossil fuel, alone or in combination with any other fuel, independent of the percentage of fossil fuel consumed in any calendar year (expressed in mmBtu).
Supply Point means the point of connection between the licensed network and your apparatus or equipment.
Petroleum Products means gasolines and petroleum oil distillates or blend stocks as further described in Item 10.
Transport Gas means the gas purchased by a Customer from a supplier other than KUB that Customer has arranged to have Delivered to KUB for delivery to the Customer by KUB.
Producer means any broker, insurance producer, agent, general agent, managing general agent, master broker agency, broker general agency, financial specialist, or other Person, including any employee of the Ceding Company or its Affiliates, responsible for writing, marketing, producing, selling, or soliciting Novation Subject Contracts.
Crude Petroleum means the direct product of oil wells or a mixture of the indirect products transportable like the direct products and containing not more than two percent (2%) of sediment, water, and other impurities.
Gas supply service means the provision to customers of the
Delivery Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which energy is delivered into the Grid System i.e. the Interconnection Point.
Transportation fuel means electricity and any liquid or
Product Group or “the Group” means a group of lotteries that has joined together to offer a product pursuant to the terms of the Multi-State Lottery Agreement and the Product Group’s own rules.