Field Status definition

Field Status. Employees who are normally required to work away from their point of assembly and who, on a day-to-day basis, do not work in an office, institution, plant, or other similar fixed location which is their normal point of assembly.
Field Status team members who do not have a regular work location. "Dedicated Status" - team members who do have a regular work location
Field Status team members who do not have a regular work location.

Examples of Field Status in a sentence

  • University at Buffalo – School of Social Work Topic: Field Status Review ProcessSection: Field EducationOriginal Date: 06/13/2006Date Revised: 08/01/2020 Updated By: I.

  • We retrieve only chapter 7 and chapter 13 Court Status STRING Status of the case: DC - Discharged OP - Open case date DM - Dismissed Date Generated Field Status Date DATE Date the current status took place Court Last status update DATE System date when the status was last updated Generated Field Mtg_341_Time STRING Actual time of the 341 Meeting date.

  • Controls- fields of Posting Key and 'Field Status Variant' controls fields of G/L Account.Fields of G/L Account which are controlled by FSV can see in T.Code OBC4 and Fields of Posting Keys in SPRO-FAGS-Document- Line Item.

  • Refer to the Standard Code Sets - Supported section of this document for more details.• Field Status – Indicates whether the field is Required, Ignored, or Optional for the CIR HL7 Web Service.• In VXR Message – The CIR HL7 Web Service will accept and absorb many more data fields via inbound VXU messages then it will share via outbound VXR messages.

  • Then make RACI, CRUD, Use Case in To Be Documentation.At this stage will also be conducted by the Global settings to Define Enterprise Structure, Company Information, Client, Company and Company Code, Personnel area, Personnel Sub Area, Employee Group, Fiscal Year Define, Define Field Status Variant, Define Posting Keys.

  • This includes your parent problem prevention plan! Make note of worked, what you might want to communicate up front to parents next year, or if there is anything else you wish you did that could have made the season go more smoothly.Fields Field Status and Weather As a coach at some point you will need to make a determination on if the condition of a field is playable or not.

  • All ESOL Out of Field Teachers names are presented to the School Board of Levy County for approval of continuation of teaching services in the Out of Field Status.

  • Field Status Variant is copies from standard SAP with 47 field status groups.

  • Field Status: the latched field status with RMS voltages, and fault channel status at the time of the fault.c).

  • Field status is updated regularly on our Field Status Page: www.arkansasunited.comUnited attempts to provide a safe training and playing environment based on current and/or forecasted weather conditions.

More Definitions of Field Status

Field Status employees who are normally required to work away from their point of assembly and who, on a day-to-day basis, do not work in an office, institution, plant, or other similar fixed location which is their normal point of assembly; "headquarters or geographic location" - is that area within a radius of 32 kilometers of where an employee ordinarily performs their duties. For the purposes of Articles 12.8, 13 and 36 and relocation expenses arising therefrom, "headquarters or geographic location" will be redefined as a radius of 50 kilometers (32 kilometers in the GVRD or CRD) of where an employee ordinarily performs their duties. When employees are relocated the headquarters area may be redefined where exceptional circumstances such as unusual road conditions exist; "holiday" - means the 24-hour period commencing at 0001 hours of a day designated as a paid holiday in this agreement; "hours of operation" - are the hours established by the Employer to provide adequate service and to fulfil the functions of the work unit;

Related to Field Status

  • Travel status with respect to an employee means absence of the employee from his/her headquarters or geographic location on Justice Institute of British Columbia business with the approval of the Employer, but travel status does not apply to employees temporarily assigned to a position outside of his/her headquarters or geographic location or to field status employees;

  • Health status-related factor means any of the following factors:

  • Investment Grade Status shall occur when the Notes receive two of the following:

  • Dual status military technician means a federal civilian employee who is:

  • TLAC Disqualification Event means OSFI has advised the Bank in writing that the bail-inable notes issued under the applicable pricing supplement will no longer be recognized in full as TLAC under the TLAC Guideline as interpreted by the Superintendent, provided that a TLAC Disqualification Event will not occur where the exclusion of those bail-inable notes from the Bank’s TLAC requirements is due to the remaining maturity of those bail-inable notes being less than any period prescribed by any relevant eligibility criteria applicable as of the issue date of those bail-inable notes.

  • marital status means being single, married as recognized by the state of Connecticut, widowed, separated or divorced;