Final Effective Date definition

Final Effective Date means the latest date on which the Final Order and/or Final Judgment approving this Agreement becomes final. For purposes of this Agreement:
Final Effective Date shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.a.
Final Effective Date means and refers to the latest of the following: (i) the date of final affirmance of the Final Approval Order following any and all appeals of such Order;

Examples of Final Effective Date in a sentence

  • After the issuance of the Preliminary Approval Order signed by the Court, Toyota, at its sole discretion, may, after consultation with Class Counsel, implement the Frame Inspection and Replacement Program in advance of the occurrence of the Final Effective Date.

More Definitions of Final Effective Date

Final Effective Date means the date upon which the Final Approval Order
Final Effective Date means the first date after any appeals from, or other challenges to, the Approval Order have been exhausted or the time periods for filing such appeal(s) or challenge(s) have expired, provided that the Final Effective Date shall be deemed to have occurred only if, at such time, (i) the Approval Order has not been disapproved or modified as a result of any appeal(s) or other challenge(s) and (ii) GM has completed, on a basis reasonably satisfactory to GM, its discussions with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regarding the accounting treatment with respect to the New Plan and the New VEBA as set forth in Section 21 of this Settlement Agreement.
Final Effective Date means the date of the Closing Date.
Final Effective Date means, provided no appeal is timely filed, thirty (30) days after the Court has entered an Approval Order. If an appeal is timely filed, the latest of the following, if applicable, becomes the Final Effective Date: (1) any appeal from the Approval Order has been finally dismissed; (2) the Approval Order has been affirmed on appeal in a form substantially identical to the form of the Approval Order entered by the Court; (3) the time to petition for review with respect to any appellate decision affirming the Approval Order has expired; and (4) if a petition for review of an appellate decision is filed, the petition has been denied or dismissed, or, if granted, has resulted in affirmance of the Approval Order in a form substantially identical to the form of the Approval Order entered by the Court.
Final Effective Date means the latest date on which the Final Order and Final Judgment approving the Settlement Agreement becomes final. For purposes of the Settlement Agreement: (a) if no appeal has been taken from the Final Order and/or Final Judgment in the MDL Court, then “Final Effective Date” means the date on which the time to appeal therefrom has expired; or (b) if any appeal has been taken from the Final Order and/or Final Judgment in the MDL Court, then “Final Effective Date” means the date on which all appeals therefrom, including petitions for rehearing or re-argument, petitions for rehearing en banc and petitions for certiorari or any other form of review, have been finally disposed of in a manner that affirms the Final Order or Final Judgment in all respects; or (c) if Plaintiffs’ Class Counsel, New GM, and the GUC Trust all agree in writing, then the “Final Effective Date” can occur on any other agreed date. For the avoidance of doubt, this Release Agreement shall become effective on the Excess Distribution Date, and not the Final Effective Date.
Final Effective Date means the latest date on which the Final Order or Final
Final Effective Date means August 29, 2008 (the date on which the Court entered the Approval Order).