Final Reference Pricei definition
Final Reference Pricei means the official closing price of the Underlyingi on the Determination Date;
Final Reference Pricei means, the official closing level of each Underlyingi as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date. Determination Agent determination
Final Reference Pricei means the official closing price of Underlying Sharei on the Determination Date;
More Definitions of Final Reference Pricei
Final Reference Pricei means, in respect of the Underlying Index, the official closing level of each Underlying Index as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date and in respect of the Underlying Commodity, the Commodity Reference Price on the Determination Date.
Final Reference Pricei means, the official closing level of each Underlyingi and Commodity Reference Price in respect of the Underlying Commodity as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date.Determination Agent determination
Final Reference Pricei means, the official closing price of each Underlyingi and Commodity Reference Price in respect of the Underlying Commodity as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date.
Final Reference Pricei means, the official closing level of each Underlyingi as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date.Determination Agent determinationimpracticable or otherwise disrupted:
Final Reference Pricei means, the official closing level of each Underlyingi as published by the relevant Index Sponsor on the Determination Date. Determination Agent determinationto Index is impossible or impracticable or otherwise disrupted:
Final Reference Pricei means the average price per Reference Sharei calculated by the Issuer by reference to the price at which the sale of the Reference Sharesi is effected by the Issuer on a best efforts basis on the Final Fixing Date. If the Issuer has been unable to sell all of the Reference Sharesi on the Final Fixing Date, the Issuer shall determine the Final Reference Pricei by reference to (a) in the event that the Issuer has been able to sell some of the Reference Shares on the Final Fixing Date, the price at which the sale of such Reference Shares was effected, and (b) in respect of the Reference Shares which the Issuer has been unable to sell, the Issuer’s good faith estimate of the price of one Share on the Final Fixing Date;
Final Reference Pricei means the official closing