Final rule definition
Examples of Final rule in a sentence
If it is determined during the course of the audit that the SUBRECIPIENT was reimbursed for 21 unallowable costs under this Agreement, the ARPA Guidelines, or the Final Rule, SUBRECIPIENT agrees 22 to promptly reimburse the COUNTY for such payments upon request.
The reports shall contain, but are not limited to, the 23 information described in Exhibit C, which is attached and incorporated by this reference, and must 24 include a statement, signed by the SUBRECIPIENT, indicating that all expenditures in the report comply 25 with the Interim Rule and the Final Rule, as applicable, and ARPA guidelines for the SLFRF, as set forth 26 by the TREASURY.
SUBRECIPIENT acknowledges that COUNTY is accountable to the TREASURY 11 for SUBRECIPIENT oversight, including ensuring SUBRECIPIENT’s compliance with the SLFRF 12 program, SLFRF Award Terms and Conditions, Treasury’s Interim Final Rule or Final Rule, as 13 applicable, and reporting requirements, as applicable.
A For Contracts funded by a U.S. Government grant or contract, the following provisions found in Appendix II of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule (2 CFR Part 200, et al) shall be incorporated and made a part ofthis Contract.
PROVIDER must assure compliance with federal requirements contained in 42 CFR, Part 2, Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, Final Rule, June 9, 1987 and HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations.