Financial Reductions Sample Clauses

Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the Funder, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction in any of the following circumstances: its CAPS is received after the due date; its CAPS is incomplete; the quarterly performance reports are not provided when due; or financial or clinical data requirements are late, incomplete or inaccurate, where the errors or delay were not as a result of Funder actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the Funder. If assessed, the financial reduction will be as follows: if received within 7 Days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00); and for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction if any of the Reports are received after the due date, are incomplete, or are inaccurate where the errors or delay were not as a result of either LHIN actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the LHIN. If assessed, the financial reduction will be taken from funding designated for this purpose in Schedule B as follows: (1) if received within 7 days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00), and (2) for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the Funder, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction if any of the Reports are received after the due date, are incomplete, or are inaccurate where the errors or delay were not as a result of Funder actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the Funder. If assessed, the financial reduction will be as follows: (1) if received within 7 Days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00); and (2) for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction. If assessed, financial reductions will be assessed in respect of each Home for which a Report was late, incomplete or inaccurate.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction in any of the following circumstances: (i) its CAPS is received after the due date; (ii) its CAPS is incomplete;
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the Funder, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction if any of the Reports are received after the due date, are incomplete, or are inaccurate where the errors or delay were not as a result of Funder actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the Funder. If assessed, the financial reduction will be as follows:
Financial Reductions. Notwithçtanding any other proviçion of thiç Agreement, and at the diçcretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be çubject to a financiaI reduction if any of the Reportç are received after the due date, are incompIete, or are inaccurate where the errors or delay were not as a result of LHIN actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the LHIN. If aççeççed, the financiaI reduction wiII be aç foIIowç: (1) if received within 7 Dayç after the due date, incompIete or inaccurate, the financiaI penaIty wiII be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) two hundred and fifty doIIarç ($250.00), and (2) for every fuII or partiaI week of non-compIiance thereafter, the rate wiII be one half of the initial reduction. If aççeççed, financiaI reductionç wiII be aççeççed in reçpect of each Home for which a Report was late, incomplete or inaccurate.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction in any of the following circumstances: (i) its LAPS is received after the due date; (ii) its LAPS is incomplete; (iii) the quarterly performance reports are not provided when due; or (iv) financial and/or clinical data requirements are late, incomplete or inaccurate, where the errors or delay were not as a result of LHIN actions or inaction. If assessed, the financial reduction will be taken from funding designated for this purpose in Schedule C as follows: (v) if received within 7 days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (i) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (ii) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00); and (vi) for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be subject to a fi reduction in any of the following circumstances: (1) its CAPS is received after the due date; (2) its CAPS is incomplete; (3) the quarterly performance reports are not provided when due; or (4) financial or clinical datarequirementsare late, incomplete or inaccurate, where the errors or delay were not as a result of LHIN actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the LHIN. If assessed, the financial reduction will beasfollows: (1) if received within 7 Days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) twohundredandfiftydollars ($250.00); and (2) for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be onehalf of the initial reduction.
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the Funder, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction in any of the following circumstances:
Financial Reductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the LHIN, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction if any of the Reportsarereceivedafterthedue date, areincomplete, orareinaccurate wherethe errors ordelaywerenot as aresultof LHIN actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the LHIN. If assessed, thefinancial reduction will be as follows: (1) if received within 7 Days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) twohundredandfiftydollars($250.00), and (2) for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction. LONG-TERM CARE HOME SERVICE ACCOUNTABILITY AGREEMENT APRIL 1, 2019 - MARCH 31, 2022 If assessed, financial reductions will be assessed in respect of each Home for which a Report was late, incomplete or inaccurate.