First examination definition

First examination means Treas- ury’s initial review of a check that has been presented for payment. The initial review procedures, which establish the authenticity and integrity of a check presented to Treasury for payment, may include reconciliation; retrieval and inspection of the check or the best available image thereof; and other pro- cedures Treasury deems appropriate to specific circumstances.
First examination means a student’s first opportunity to sit for an examination in any subject or module at any level during the course of his/her studies in respect of a qualification. An aegrotat or special examination where it is the student’s first attempt to pass the subject is also seen as a first examination.
First examination means theprocess of check reconciliation which involves comparing disbursing officer issue information on checks withFederal Reserve Bank payment information. Where the issueinformation is at odds with the payment information, first examination willinclude retrieval and inspection of the check, or the best available imagethereof.

Examples of First examination in a sentence

  • First examination period: this consists of a first set of examinations (weeks 17 to 20) and a second set of examinations (weeks 38 to 42) during which the student uses his first, and in some cases only, examination opportunity.

  • First, examination of least-squares fits of numerically generated data sets shows that traditional ideas concerning the number of determinable parameters in the torsion-rotation Hamiltonian must be modified.

  • First, examination of the existing external and internal accounting documents, both those publicly available and those supplied on a confidential basis by the Controller; these were translated and sent to the researchers several weeks in advance of the field trips.

  • First, examination may be undertaken for the purpose of informing the customers of a clearing member about the clearing member's condition, not for controlling risk between clearing members.

  • First examination at the middle of the First Academic year and the second semester examination at the end of the first academic year.

  • College permission to take an exam at other than scheduled times) First examination................................................................................

  • First, examination of the cut-offs from the upper core and nozzle shells of the D3 and T2 forgings was very obvious and well justified.

  • First, examination of the diagnostic tests shows that the null of normality is rejected for all demand equations.

  • First, examination of these two different subsamples of data is arguably important, given that some models of the dispute settlement process (e.g., Maggi and Staiger, forthcoming) contain different predictions for policy outcomes in cases that reach a legal ruling versus those that settle early.

  • First examination under this new syllabus will be held from December 2012 session of CS examinations.

More Definitions of First examination

First examination means Treas-ury’s initial review of a check that has been presented for payment. The initial review procedures, which establish the

Related to First examination

  • Medical examination means the preliminary assessment of a person by an authorized health worker or by a person under the direct supervision of the competent authority, to determine the person’s health status and potential public health risk to others, and may include the scrutiny of health documents, and a physical examination when justified by the circumstances of the individual case;

  • National examination means the examinations developed and administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and approved by the board for licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.

  • Practical examination means a demonstration through application of the safety rules and principles in industrial radiography including use of all procedures and equipment to be used by radiographic personnel.

  • Physical examination means the assessment of an individual’s health by a professional licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy, or by an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant.

  • Due Diligence Examination shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.

  • Controller of Examinations means the Controller of Examinations of the University;

  • Qualifying Examination means examinations on the basis of which a candidate becomes eligible for admission or its equivalent examination;

  • Initial Environmental Examination or “IEE” means the initial environmental examination for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by the Borrower and cleared by ADB;

  • Examination Period means the last ten reporting cycles including the reporting cycle in which the involuntary examination is commenced except for instruments evidencing ownership, or rights to them or funds paid toward the purchase of them, or any dividend, capital credit, profit, distribution, interest, or payment on principal or other sum, held or owed by a holder, including funds deposited with a fiscal agent or fiduciary for payment of them, or pertaining to debt of a publicly traded corporation.

  • Phase II means the second part of the tuition incentive assistance program which provides assistance in the third and fourth year of 4-year degree programs.

  • self-assessment means an assessment made by a taxpayer or his representative under section 28;

  • Examination means an inquiry into a specific element of or process related to bills for services performed under this Agreement. Either Party (the “Requesting Party) may perform one (1) Audit per twelve (12) month period commencing with the Effective Date, with the assistance of the other Party, which will not be unreasonably withheld. The Audit period will include no more than the preceding twelve (12) month period as of the date of the Audit request. The Requesting Party may perform Examinations, as it deems necessary, with the assistance of the other Party, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Commercial Operations Date or "COD": The date on which Facility first achieves Commercial Operations.

  • Environmental Audit means, with respect to each Property, a Phase One environmental site assessment (the scope and performance of which meets or exceeds the then most current ASTM Standard Practice E1527 for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Process) of such Property.

  • Medical examiner means a physician with training in aviation medicine and practical knowledge and experience of the aviation environment, who is designated by the Authority to conduct medical examinations of fitness of applicants for licences or ratings for which medical requirements are prescribed;

  • Phase I means the first part of the tuition incentive assistance program defined as the academic period of 80 semester or 120 term credits, or less, leading to an associate degree or certificate.

  • Geotechnical report or "geotechnical analysis" means a scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology, the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting, erosion, and other geologic hazards or processes, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions, the adequacy of the site to be developed, the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development, and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical reports shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes.

  • Geotechnical engineer means a professional engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories and whose principal field of specialization is the design and construction of earthworks in a permafrost environment;

  • Medical assessment means an assessment of a patient’s medical condition secured by our Assistance Company working in conjunction with the Medical Evacuation Provider’s medical director and in collaboration with the attending physician. The Assistance Company in collaboration with the Medical Evacuation Provider, will utilize the assessment to determine at its sole discretion whether a Plan Holder is fit to fly; the most appropriate means to provide medical evacuation; the medical personnel who will be accompanying the patient on the transport; and to confirm the medical facility closest to one’s home can meet their medical needs. If the patient’s medical facility of choice is unable to provide the high level of medical care required by the patient, arrangements will be made to transport the patient to the appropriate medical facility closest to their home, or closest to patient's preferred medical facility in the US when possible.

  • Examination Criteria means the loan classification criteria employed by, or any applicable regulations of, the Assuming Institution’s Chartering Authority at the time such action is taken, as such criteria may be amended from time to time.

  • Home inspection means the on-site, physical review of the home of an applicant to assure the applicant and the home meets all health and safety requirements within these rules.

  • Engineer’s Representative means the official in the civil/ electrical engineering department who is authorized to be in-charge of the work to which these presents relate. It shall include any other official nominated to attend to the supervision of day to day execution of the work to which this CONTRACT relates.

  • Commercial Operations Upon satisfaction of the following conditions, the Facility shall be considered to have achieved Commercial Operations on the Day specified in Seller's written notice described below: (i) the Acceptance Test has been passed, (ii) all generating units have passed Control System Acceptance Tests, (iii) the Transfer Date has occurred, (iv) Seller has (1) provided to Company the Required Models (as defined in Section 6(a) (Seller's Obligation to Provide Models) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller)) in the form of Source Code, (2) placed the current version of the Source Code for the Required Models with the Source Code Escrow Agent as required in Section 6(b)(i)(A) (Establishment of Source Code Escrow) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller), or (3) if Seller is unable to arrange for the placement of the appropriate Source Code into the Source Code Escrow account, placed the required funds with the Monetary Escrow Agent as required in Section 6(b)(ii)(A) (Establishment of Monetary Escrow) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller), and (v) Seller provides Company with written notice that (aa) Seller is ready to declare the Commercial Operations Date and (bb) the Commercial Operations Date will occur within 24 hours (i.e., the next Day).

  • Commercial Operation means the condition of operation in which the complete equipment covered under the Contract is officially declared by the Owner to be available for continuous operation at different loads up to and including rated capacity. Such declaration by the Owner, however, shall not relieve or prejudice the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.

  • Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.

  • Phase I Environmental Assessment A “Phase I assessment” as described in, and meeting the criteria of, the ASTM, plus a radon and asbestos inspection.