Fitness to Practise Committee definition

Fitness to Practise Committee means the committee established under section 24(2)(b);
Fitness to Practise Committee means the committee established under section 20(2)(b);
Fitness to Practise Committee means the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College, and includes a panel of the Fitness to Practise Committee;

Examples of Fitness to Practise Committee in a sentence

  • A candidate in breach of the Code will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures which may include referral to the School of Education Fitness to Practise Committee.

  • All information on which the trainee intends to rely must be received by the FTP Secretary to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, who will then distribute this information to the members of the Fitness to Practise Committee and the Investigating Officer, at least 5 working days before the date set for the meeting of the Committee.

  • However, you must realise that if abuse is recurrent and persistent, or if you behave violently because of drug or alcohol abuse (either inside or outside the University), then you may be deemed to be a risk to patients and may ultimately be referred the Health and Conduct Committee or Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee (see later section).

  • If this is the case, a student would be referred for consideration at the Health and Conduct Committee or Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee (see later section).

  • Where a Serious plagiarism has been found to have occurred, the case shall become a case of Academic Misconduct under the University Regulations Section 8 - Student Conduct, and will be referred to a College Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committee to be heard in accordance with the Code of Practice on Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committee.

More Definitions of Fitness to Practise Committee

Fitness to Practise Committee means a committee established under the Care Council for Wales (Fitness to Practise) Rules 2014;
Fitness to Practise Committee means the committee established
Fitness to Practise Committee means the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College and includes a Panel of the Fitness to Practise Committee, convened to conduct a hearing into a matter directed or referred to the Fitness to Practise Committee under sections 26, 29 or 33 of the Act, or to conduct any related proceedings; (“comité d’aptitude professionnelle”)
Fitness to Practise Committee means the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College’s Board of Governors established under section 30 of the Act, and includes a Fitness to Practise Panel;
Fitness to Practise Committee means the Fitness to Practise Committee referred to in section 5C(1) (the Fitness to Practise Committee)(5);
Fitness to Practise Committee means the Fitness to Practise Committee appointed pursuant to this Act;
Fitness to Practise Committee means the fitness-to-practise committee appointed under this Act for a regulated health profession;