Fixed Deposit definition

Fixed Deposit means any fixed deposit or time deposit placed by you with the Bank in Singapore Dollars or such other foreign currency as the Bank may allow.
Fixed Deposit means a deposit fixed for a period of not less than twelve months;
Fixed Deposit means a deposit of money for a definite period and includes a deposit of money for an indefinite period which is withdrawable after the expiration of a period of notice of at least 89 days;

Examples of Fixed Deposit in a sentence

  • Successful Bidder can submit the Performance Security in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt also (besides PBG which is allowed as per GeM GTC).

  • The EMD may be submitted in the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker's Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the public sector banks or a private sector bank authorized to conduct government business as per Form DPM-16 (Available in MoD website and can be provided on request).

  • Bidders can also submit the EMD with Fixed Deposit Receipt made out or pledged in the name of A/C (Name of the Buyer).

  • Fixed Deposit Receipt / Bank Guarantee should be issued from a schedule bank in India.

  • In the event of forfeiture of the performance security, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interest earned on such Fixed Deposit.

More Definitions of Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit means any time deposits placed by the Customer with HLB and includes any other sums which are from time to time deposited with HLB at any branch and whether in the same or any other currency and whether in addition to or by way of renewal of any sums previously deposited or otherwise and includes all interest or other payment accrued and accruing and howsoever derived from time to time in respect of the deposits.
Fixed Deposit or “FD” means the fixed deposit offered by AmBank (M) Berhad to the Eligible Customers.
Fixed Deposit means a deposit placed for a specific period of time at a fixed rate of interest;
Fixed Deposit means a deposit for a stated period which is not less than six months;
Fixed Deposit means a deposit for a period which is fixed in accordance with paragraph (d) of section nineteen;
Fixed Deposit means a negotiable certificate of deposit’’; and
Fixed Deposit means Tamilnad Mercantile Bank's fixed deposit/s placed by the Cardholder either singly or jointly with Second Fixed Deposit Holder as the case may be, for the issuance of the Secured Credit Card to the Cardholder.