Examples of Flow line in a sentence
Flow line elevations shall be shown at every point where the line enters or leaves the manholes.
Flow line for the new curb and gutter shall be established by the Contractor so that the water runoff would not puddle and can flow to the nearest catch-basin.
Nearest whole number Nearest whole number Flow line elevation 0.1 ft.
No less than two (2) control panels consisting of the following:• Microprocessor-based temperature controller with four digit displays.• 15 amp fuse holder.• Input power switch to control board on/off.• Power stirrer on/off switch.• Dispenser valve heat switch on/off with indicator light.• Flow line temperature switch on/off with indictor light.• Safety air valve control switch on/off.
Flow line 1 is the first branch to the header, the other are numbered in increasing order.